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Everything posted by qwksndmonster

  1. 38.62 hours. Wildcard has the specifics if you need them.
  2. Thank you so much for doing this, Flagg!
  3. God forbid a conversation changes topic. That's never happened before.
  4. But he's teaching them how to play the modern NHL game. That IS going to take time. I expect the team to look very messy for the first couple months (they'll still win enough 5-4 games on our forward talent alone). Also, they're un-learning Bylsma's awful brand of early 2000s hockey. Also also, being a dick =/= being a good leader. I'm glad Housley is a human being.
  5. :(
  6. Do you mean they should've taken over the reigns of the sewing machine and put the C on themselves?
  7. Well, stress and capitalism.
  8. Actually any approach that's not Bylsma's is better so different is by definition better.
  9. What about back to back comeback wins against the Raiders and Pats in 2011 I think it was?
  10. At 0 regular season games played? Why didn't your patience with Bylsma ever thin?
  11. I think calling Sam a winger IS being pessimistic. He's had such little time at center, despite having success in that role in the NHL. (When was that stretch?) It's his natural position and his skillset is so obviously suited for it. Sam eas able to put up good numbers from the wing spot because that's how damn smart he is. O'Reilly is going to be just as good on the wing, as he proved in the past. Reinhart can only reach his full potential if he's a pivot.
  12. I mean, it seems like you're doing whatever you can to remain pessimistic about Eichel and Reinhart. I'm ready for the two of them to take us to the playoffs.
  13. I missed that you were responding to Liger.
  14. Do you just like, hate young people?
  15. Why are you comfortable speculating about Mittelstadt being better than O'Reilly but it's completely out of the question that Reinhart could be? Reinhart scored 20 as a rookie and got over 50 points in his sophomore season. He's proved a boatload more than Mittelstadt has.
  16. That makes sense. I was wondering how he was able to get the puck back so many times.
  17. Because I believe we'll get the most out of Sam by giving him talented wingers on the second line and we'll get the most of O'Reilly if he's playing wing on either Jack or Sam's line.
  18. I was accosted by what I believe to be a religious cult at Target tonight. It was real creepy.
  19. I know this is a little late but mother! is a courageous film. For Darren Aronofski to bare his soul on the screen like that is both impressive and weird af. Giving it a wide release and marketing it as a horror film was bad and greasy, but I can't blame Aronofsky. I think it's kind of amazing that he was able to get away with that. That said, mother is still an atrociously bad film. It's 2 hours of unprocessed raw emotion. There's no effort put into the characters or the storytelling. Aronofsky is clearly focusing on metaphorical meanings that are near and dear to his heart. It's a 30 million dollar movie made for more or less one person. I think there's an alternate universe where I enjoyed mother because: -It got an indie release -It's 90 minutes long -J-Law and Aronofsky aren't dating -It's a completely different film altogether. Whelp. Maybe not. I saw American Made on Friday night and fell asleep in the theater. It's a lot of copying the style of The Big Short/Wolf of Wall Street without grounding anything. It's a little nice to see Tom Cruise in something he doesn't clearly hate, but it doesn't come close to the legendary performances of the 90s. Why'd you have to steal his soul, Scientology?
  20. Minny ran into mid-dynasty Chicago 3 times in the first round. They weren't a powerhouse in the west, but they also weren't as bad as they look.
  21. I always fall for the players that win primarily with their smarts. Datsyuk and Larionov come to mind. I liked watching Legwand in his last year with us because he made his living purely with his savvy.
  22. Even after concussions slowed him down big time, connolly became a stalwart on the pk for us. He may not have been a physical presence, but he wasn't soft. Dude gave his body for the game.
  23. This is why Sam needs to be the #2 C and O'Reilly needs to be on the wing. Wasted assets! (I understand why people don't want to take O'Reilly out of the center position, but I think he can be more special at wing)
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