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  1. I'm curious why it's specified in the (wonderfully written passive voice) thread title that Pegula denied it and Jones didn't? Is it because Jones is a racist? Or is it because it doesn't matter because he owns a different team?
  2. One side has reason to be anonymous (doesn't want to be retaliated against by the NFL) the other side is supposedly just clearing things up.
  3. In what way does the knowledge that the league conducted an investigation lead the case to be closed? How would it benefit the NFL to do to anything other than sweep it under the rug? An anonymous source assured us that nothing was said. Oh okay. People here responded defensively to the lawsuit as if it's about smearing Terry Pegula. Look at what Trotter is actually doing (who works for the Athletic now, and is not desperately trying to get his job back). As he tells it, he tried to push for change internally through all the right channels but was met with resistance. He had reason to believe his contract was going to be renewed, and instead he was fired. Why would he open himself up to the risk of being counter sued? Why get in a legal battle with one of the most powerful, deep pocketed organizations in the world? Because he's telling the truth. The NFL will settle. Pegula and Jones's denials will stand. But Trotter is putting the truth out there for people to do with as they will.
  4. Doubt there will be any sort of "evidence" brought to life, just pointing out the very clear political bent of the moderators on this board.
  5. Respected, connected black journalist files racial discrimination claim against the NFL (never done anything bad or racist) and two moderators of this board instantly jump to knee-jerk claim that it's false. hmmmmm. joking?
  6. I feel so lucky to have been able to hear RJ call hockey games. Nobody, save for maybe Elvis, had the electricity and talent behind a microphone. He was a luminous soul and brightened all of our lives. I think of him every time I tune into any sport, nobody else compares as a companion. I love RJ, and I always will. RIP.
  7. lol everything IS political. the status quo of america didn't just happen by accident posts got moved to a locked thread? to which i say get f cked sabrespace mods
  8. lol did my incredibly mild posts get deleted? clearly i shouldn't have violated the safe space of sabrespace. like hoss in the buffalo bills thread I should really "keep quiet" y'know I've had desire to return to the board due to how lonely this last year has been, as I still care for a great many on here. but I couldn't really find a way to without being reminded of how angry I am about what happened on this board when trump got elected. and lol sds or freeman will NEVER apologize for asserting that this board is somehow apolitical rather than blandly conservative. I could go back to being mister movies and being extra careful to moderate my own thoughts about movies as to not opress others by not letting enjoy things. really, though, i'm just gonna ***** back off
  9. only like half of americans vote. a lot of anti vaxxers aren't republicans, they're just regular people who (rightly) don't want to get bogged down in stupid pointless republican/democratic culture wars. juju is absolutely right, a smarmy doosh like john oliver isn't going to move the needle for anybody that doesn't already agree with him
  10. ??? anti vax people have had their trust in public institutions eroded by the government deliberately letting everything go to *****. how is this not a political issue? yeah they want to save their own skins and???? all while pushing covid disinformation. not seeing the point
  11. I said already: advocating regime change in venezuela
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