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    naples, florida

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  1. Thanks. This prompted me to do some reading on it. College and Junior players are just handled very differently. Seems NCAA rules allow them much more flexibility to choose where they go once their amateur playing days are over. This makes more sense to me now with the whole Vesey saga last year and why teams would find it risky to draft a college kid. Glad none of that happened with Eichel. Looking forward to seeing how he plays this weekend.
  2. Just curious because I don't know. Why are players like this not drafted? Is it rules, or are they just not very good?
  3. You can also put this in your vehicles gas tank. Will work the same.
  4. I don't normally drink whiskey, but when I do I prefer a nice Redbreast, or Tullamore Dew. Neat. Jameson if I'm on the cheap that night. Irish whiskey isn't for mixing, so if you want to mix, stick with Jack, Jim, Makers Mark and the like. Stay thirsty my friends.
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