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Buffalo Wings

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Everything posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. He's RPI's starter right now. Looked like a guy they could ride through the playoffs as a freshman, but his defense (and offense for that matter) didn't help him. He was injured for most of last season and while his record is mediocre this year, his numbers aren't bad for a team that doesn't score - 2.5 GAA and .907 save %. Yes, they could be better, but as Eleven said...can't have enough goalies in the pipeline.
  2. I'm glad to see some practices issue this policy. I know some celebrities are trying to use their status to discourage vaccinations (which is a bit over the top, I'd say), but I haven't heard any evidence that supports the theory that vaccinations lead to autism, etc.
  3. I've got a few... - The CTO of my company sent a meeting invite yesterday where the subject was "exciting announcement". That's it...no other details. Her direct reports (which include my boss) know what's going on, but obviously won't tell. The meeting is tomorrow morning, so all day yesterday and likely all day today, there's going to be rumoring and gossiping about what it is. Ugh...just shut up so I can get some work done. - Why do people drive 50mph on a highway? At least they're in the right lane, but this always happens within a mile of my exit and I have to get behind them and slow down enough that a turtle could pass me. - The wife has a cold and she's miserable. The worst part is that she's not drinking orange juice or taking zinc supplements or just resting. She works from home and decided to take a half-day yesterday and then proceeded to clean the up the family room. That part is great, but I'd rather she take a nap and chill. - My office is a very open environment. We all have cubicles, where we used to have offices. This is supposed to foster good communication and team-building, right? Yes...except for the numerous times when there are 3 conversations at once and within each conversation, each person is trying to talk over everyone else to get their point across. Whew...I feel better now. :P
  4. I don't know if it's just him being stupid or him trying to say stupid things. I just say "Get over yourself" and either talk to the media (like Russell Wilson, Richard Sherman, and everyone else on your team does) or shut up and pay the fine. It's not funny anymore. Not to mention, the actual act of fining someone for not talking to the media is pretty silly.
  5. I've been waiting to hear about a possible promotion from my boss and it's now been three months since I applied and over a month since I interviewed. Unfortunately, I'm up against some external candidates, so I have no idea if the boss is willing to give the job to me or just wants someone from the outside. I've done what most people would do - ask for a status - twice now and I get the same responses...in process, should know something by this date, etc. :unsure:
  6. Yikes...that is a big-time pita. Sorry, Eleven. A few years ago, my credit card was one in a group of thousands that "were likely compromised". So, Bank of America did a nice thing by disabling it so it wouldn't be used. Upon calling them to ask what happened they told me they were planning on telling me via a letter in the mail. Yes, that's right...snail mail. No email, no phone call...a letter. It's not as if the "letter" would contain the new card that needed activation - just a letter to tell me the card was likely compromised and I should expect a new card within a few days after that. This was 2010 (I think) and I was wondering if it was actually 1950. I asked why not an immediate phone call and the agent told me (in so many words) that they didn't have the man power to make that many calls. :blink: :huh: In these days of high-tech everything, they couldn't even set up an automated robo-call to inform the customer? They had no answer for me when I asked what if I was already out of town or if I had an automatic payment set up to go to that card in the next day or so. The lesson...check your balances every day. This is the only reason I knew there was a problem before I would have run into a sticky spot.
  7. I'm with you there. What they did was legal, but they did it in a hurry-up and even though they properly notified the officials, the officials didn't stop everything to inform the Ravens. My problem there is with the officials, but it's a sneaky (albeit legal) play by the Patriots that probably caught the refs off guard. Belichick is good at playing mind games - he's been doing it for years - but let's just play football. Line up 11 vs 11 and see who's better. There's no need for that BS. I'm telling ya...I think Kraft is in on all of it. Spygate, the officials, deflate-gate, you name it. He & Jerry Jones are probably trying to win with their walletts and Roger Goodell is turning the other way (a la Bud Selig).
  8. Deflate-gate. I know...we all hate the Patriots (I do as much as anyone around here), but the story is starting to get annoying. There have been 6,957 Sportscenter segments to analyze whether or not deflating the balls makes a difference and I think half of the analysts say it does while the other half say it doesn't. The NFL won't do anything about it anytime soon. Even if they find that Brady or Belichick purposely had the balls deflated, they'll get a slap on the wrist at most. And I hate the argument that it didn't matter because they won 45-7...yes, it DOES matter because they broke the rule and did something illegal.
  9. A vendor of ours f'd up a router config, but subtly enough that we didn't notice it until today (after we did a software upgrade and rebooted it). Now the router is down, as is the remote office. That office is in Buffalo...we're in Albany. We can't even find someone close enough (without paying through the nose) to go on site and help fix it. This is the same vendor that messed up several other things for us and they're wondering why we're not giving them business anymore.
  10. I agree with Aud...RJ has been homer-like many times, as well as many other teams' broadcasters. Seriously, why shouldn't they be? Edwards just takes it to a whole new level. He's probably still having nightmares about that. There was a brief moment where it sounded like Brickley let out an uncomfortable laugh, too. I just wonder if he was annoyed with Edwards' never-ending rant.
  11. My complaint....people who don't know classic Christmas characters. :doh:
  12. I applied for a promotion at work - Senior Network Engineer. We're a relatively small company (less than 1000) and a small IT unit - probably about 15-20. I'm literally the most qualified person (not to mention very well qualified to begin with) for this job out of everyone in the company. It's in my group, so my current boss is the hiring manager. Company policy dictates that anyone internal should get an interview (or at least a discussion about why the hiring manager doesn't want to hire them) BEFORE the job is posted publicly. I had yet to have an interview or said discussion before I saw the job posted on our public web site last week. The only "discussions" I've had with my boss about it only consisted of me asking where things stand with the open job. The boss' response was that she was reviewing the resumes that were submitted. I've heard nothing since. I even confirmed with HR that my understanding of the company policy was correct. I was told that my boss would set up an interview with me this week...still nothing. This is a slippery slope...it can get very awkward if I keep bugging her about it, yet I WANT THIS JOB. I'm starting to think that she and her boss want me right where I am, instead of promoting me to the open job. :( At the end of the day, I'll still have a job and be employed. But this is the chance I've waited for for several years.
  13. My wife went out yesterday to buy over $170 worth of food for tomorrow. Attending our feast will be my mother, her parents, her brother, & her sister. With the storm pending last night, she tells me that she hopes nobody comes. :doh: :huh: :blink: You just spent $170 on food and now you hope nobody shows up??? I mean...I know her mother and her sister can be a pain and we'd rather not deal with their drama, but really?
  14. This. Personally, while I wasn't jumping for joy as if they'd won the cup, I was quite happy with the off-season moves. I do think we're better off seeing McCabe, Pysyk, & Grigs on the big league club sooner than later, but if Nolan wanted vets, he got them. I honestly don't understand what's wrong with the group he got...if he's truly a great coach, then he'll make something work with the hand he's been dealt. He's not the GM (which begs the question how much power does he have?), so if he's gonna complain about the groceries, then go find another place to shop for them.
  15. Thanks, d4rk! I've been doing the Zicam thing for a while, plus some zinc supplements. I already feel better today after feeling like a$$ yesterday, but I'll try the Naked juice next time.
  16. The common cold. I think sore throats are the worst thing ever to engulf a human being.
  17. I really should post more often... Normally, I'm still into football and the baseball playoff right now. I'm more pumped about the Sabres than I have been in a long time. It's more of a cautious optimism, but it's more than I had going into last year.
  18. I'm sorry (OK, not really), but this tank talk is utterly ridiculous. I'm tired of Buffalo being the laughing stock. I'm tired of "fans" hoping for their team to lose in order to get a *chance* at a #1 draft pick. I'm tired of losing. GO SABRES!!!!
  19. Ours has been doing this since we got her at 3 months old. We've tried everything possible to get her to sleep later...she lasted until 7am one morning, but that was it. It's still consistently between 5:30 and 6:00. I'm starting to wonder if people understand what ALS is or why they're dumping freezing cold water on themselves. Seems like it's so "viral", people are doing it to be cool.
  20. I love my older dog to death, but she always wants to get up at 5:30 on the weekends. She's a small dog (shih-tzu/lhasa apso mix), so she and our pure-bred shih-tzu sleep on the bed with us. Drives us nuts when she's giving us the metal-melting heat stare and whine at 5:30 on a Saturday. My complaint: I strained a muscle in my mid-upper back and it hurts to do...well...pretty much everything.
  21. A cool benefit provided by my company is a massage therapist - she comes on site once every two weeks. I usually make an appointment to see her and did this week (she's in high demand), but cancelled this time because I had a meeting for a high-profile project and I felt it was necessary to attend. This meeting got cancelled an hour before the time my appointment was originally scheduled for. :censored:
  22. Is it sad that you volunteer to work the night before a holiday weekend? I'm doing this tonight and I did this the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. Granted, the first time was 2 hours (where everything went more smoothly than I could have anticipated) and tonight should be no more than that, but why do I do this? Because I trust myself to get the work done the right way and more quickly than my boss or co-worker...that's why. Yes...it could be worse and I know others are out there working 2nd and 3rd shifts tonight, but I'll have already put in 8+ hours today and I'd rather not have to come back in around 8:00 when I could be home relaxing with a few cold ones.
  23. :cry: Be strong, RJ. You can kick this thing!
  24. Missed it...my bad. :doh:
  25. So...now do we re-sign Vanek? [buffaloWings ducks for cover]
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