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Buffalo Wings

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Everything posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. Ask and ye shall receive...I was able to get myself a cortisone shot today. Apparently, getting an MRI approval from my insurance company is the biggest PITA on the planet.
  2. Finally...a chance to whine... #1 - My shoulder. It's very likely tendinitis, but it won't go the F away. It's my right shoulder and since I'm right-handed, almost everything I do bugs it. The doc sent me to PT, which usually helps, but it still won't go away - it even hurts when I lie down. Now I have to see an orthopedist, who will take two weeks to do an MRI to tell me it's tendinitis, and then tell me to stop doing everything. Resting and ice helps, but when I get back to doing my usual active routine, it comes back. I just want a steroid or cortisone shot to stop it. At least I get to finally see the ortho today because... #2 - The honeymoon period at my job is clearly over. I had to reschedule the ortho appt because we needed a vendor to come in and fix the crap they installed for us that doesn't work. Now our head boss wants to outsource my work. I don't think she realizes that what she's trying to get a service provider to do is about 75-80% of my job. The theory is that we'd be able to have contracted people perform tasks on our equipment to give us more time to work on our projects - which are to get outside vendors to do installation work for us. I'm starting to wonder why I'm here. (and before anyone thinks of it, yes, I'm happy to be getting a paycheck every two weeks, but I guess I'm part of a rare breed that likes to do the work for which I was hired) </rant>
  3. I just saw a picture of a Target in Reston, VA - shelves are almost completely empty. It's amazing. Most don't know what they're doing, but some do - once snow/ice is forecasted, the schools close, businesses tell everyone to work from home, and everything shuts down. They just don't have the snow & ice that the Northeast gets, so they're not used to it. It's almost as if the smart thing to do is to close the cities. My wife is in NC right now (near Winston-Salem) and she has a flight from Charlotte to Albany tomorrow afternoon. She decided this morning to drive to Charlotte tonight so she won't have to deal with the drive during the mess tomorrow. Whether or not the flight gets out could be another story.
  4. I'm getting soft...I like the morning DJs on a particular station, but I can't stand the music they play anymore (Taylor Swift, Adele, Walk the Moon, Andy Grammer, etc). It's all new pop stuff (adult contemporary?), when they used to play some decent rock and some older stuff. Hell, one of the "oldies" stations plays better music. So, I can't get a Taylor Swift song out of my head on a given day. I need to put the headphones on and throw on a metal playlist just to stop it.
  5. It's hardly going to touch New York. NYC may get up to 6" from this, but the line is supposed to be 100 miles south of Albany. I'll echo shrader's sentiments, but add that all grocery stores from Poughkeepsie to Charlotte, NC will be out of bread, milk, and non-perishables in the next hour.
  6. I voted penalty shot, but I think a lot depends on the situation. The takedown of Kane last night warranted it, as does anyone who's taken down on a breakaway. The difference between a PS and a PP is how the goalie handles it. With a PS, the goalie has nothing between him and the shooter and can just play that. On a PP, there are chances for deflections, rebounds, etc. that could make it more difficult for a goalie. The "risk" involved is if your PP is struggling, then you could give up a shorty or even give momentum to the opponent if they kill it off.
  7. Speaking of politicians (I apologize in advance, as this is not intended to be a political discussion)... I hate the State of the Union address. Watching half (or whatever percentage of Democrats are in the house) applaud for everything the president says while the rest of them sit in their seats quietly, then the need to have a "response" from the Republican party is a joke. We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, right?
  8. Can we work on getting this thread opened earlier in the day? I looked close to noon and it was still locked. I know...there are more important things in the world...
  9. I feel exhausted almost every night by 8:00...enough that I'm ready to go to bed...at 8-freakin-o'clock. I know I'm not getting any younger (just turned 44 a few weeks ago) and I've been running around every day since the wife has been traveling, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. Work doesn't help - I've been doing maintenance work every Saturday since the end of September, so I don't even have time to relax on Saturday nights. Sundays are usually my only day where I can just chill. I don't plan to go anywhere on Sundays, so I just sit at home and watch football. But that's it. Once Monday comes, it's back to the daily fast lane. :wacko:
  10. This is EXACTLY what's happening at my office. One person to approve time off, sign off on our time cards, etc....one person to "mentor" us on specific projects....one person to "mentor" us on specific production issues. It can go on & on. Our favorite quote around the office: "So, what would you say it is that you *do* here?"
  11. Someone at my office screws up again, so I (sort of) call them out publicly because this is the second time it happened. By "sort of", I mean I spoke to a group about the screw-up by not mentioning names. What happens? I get ripped by how I communicated that something was screwed up, instead of the person who actually *did* screw up getting a talkin' to by management. :wallbash:
  12. Seconded. The wife is back at it with traveling for work and she's scheduled to be in Puerto Rico from the week of Sept 28 to sometime in mid-October. So, we picked a weekend that would work for her so I could take a couple days to fly down and visit. I mean...Puerto Rico in October. Not bad, right? So, I request the two days from my management yesterday. We will be in the middle of a big project (for which I am the lead engineer) when I want to take the time off, but given the schedule as to where we'd be at the time, I didn't see an issue with it. My management's response was effectively "You can take the time off, but you are responsible if something goes awry or if your absence delays or impacts the project." You tell me what I ended up doing...
  13. My doc usually sends me to physical therapy before he prescribes prednisone (he's never given me a shot, now that I think of it). The PTs I go to are very good and they eventually get me fixed. The doc and PTs always say rest and ice, which I agree with. However, given that I use a keyboard a lot, I'm going to have some physical labor coming up with some work projects over the next few months, and my golf tourneys, I'm of the hope that he'd agree to medrol/prednisone for now. If it comes back after that, I'm all for PT and rest/ice.
  14. #1 - Lots of changes happening at work. Our CTO is changing the structure of the department and now every person could potentially have 3-4 people they report to. As far as HR is concerned, we'll still have 1 boss (who approves vacation, signs off on expense reports/time cards, etc.), but every person could be accountable to 3 higher-level managers. Cue the Office Space jokes... #2 - I seem to have tendonitis again, but in two places - left wrist and right shoulder. Everything I do will aggravate something. I don't usually do this, but I'm seriously considering going to the doc and asking for a shot or for a medrol/prednisone pack. I mean...I've got a lot of golf tournaments to play in the upcoming month, after all.
  15. I've just been dragging all week - I had Monday off for a golf outing, but haven't been able to drum up enough energy to not want to sleep since then. I went to a wake last night for a fellow golfer. 61 years old and dropped dead from a heart attack. Nice guy, just kinda blended in, but was always fun to play with. You'll be missed, Joe. :(
  16. A similar thing happened to me about 10 years ago - I applied for a contracted job with the state, got interviewed, and offered the job. I happily accepted. The contractor asked what day I could start - we agreed on a date and I was told it wouldn't be a problem. I then gave my current boss my 2+ week notice. Three days before I was supposed to start (and my second-to-last day at the current job), I left a voice mail for my new boss to go over some logistics. Ten minutes later, the contractor called me to say the job wasn't even officially approved yet, so I couldn't start until that happened. Given how this was the state of NY, I figured we'd pay off the national debt before that happened. I was livid and let the contractor know it - they gave me no indication there was any issue. I was lucky enough that my wife's salary paid for everything (mortgage, food, etc.) while I job searched. As it turns out, the job was approved after another month and since I hadn't found another job yet (despite my efforts), I took it.
  17. The wife has been traveling a lot for work - usually just a week or two at a time and even if it's multiple weeks, she's home on the weekends. Now her company is going to send her to Puerto Rico (she'll be overseeing a conversion of the company's factory down there). I figured this would be two weeks at a time and not home on the weekends (that's a long day of flying). She tells me last night they're now thinking of having her stay there for the entire month of July. Yes - not even come home until August. Holy hotter than Hades, Batman! Now, I know there are people in situations that are worse off than mine will be (military familities who rarely get to even talk to their loved one(s), much less Skype/Facetime with them, come to mind), but this still sucks. I don't mind having my "quiet time", but I'm not sure how I will handle this. She's done business travel two weeks in a row before, but this is double that. I could take some time and do a long weekend down there with her, but I have enough going on at my own job that it will be tough to get away.
  18. I don't see Ottawa coming back...Price & their PP are too good to beat four games in a row. If you want to consider Tampa Bay coming back (given how they were pretty much down 3 games to 1, though not officially), then that's my pick. Tampa is better than Detroit, but just haven't shown it. Game 2 was the only time they looked like it.
  19. Eichel isn't a bad guy to settle for
  20. I think I'm going to have to start feeling sick around 1:00 and will need to go home around 1:30-ish. Wait...the Yale-BU game starts at 2? How about that....
  21. Emergency vets. My older dog (small breed, lhasa/shih tzu mix) was walking around like she was in pain for about 48 hours, so we took her in last night. $100 just to walk in the door...yikes! It's likely some stomach/intestinal issues, so we have to watch her for the next couple of days.
  22. I think the field is wide open. I haven't seen much of Minnesota St, so until they show me something, my pick is North Dakota. As an ECAC guy, I'd like to see them make some noise. Harvard has the best chance of doing that...Quinnipiac took 3+ games to beat Union and then didn't show up in Lake Placid and Yale just couldn't beat Harvard. I was there for that one. Denver played like they didn't even prep for RIT, thinking they'd walk all over them. RIT took that momentum and beat UNH the next night.
  23. Thanks, everyone. I used to have a bottle of Evan Williams, but it reminded me of JD. I might give Wild Turkey a try and/or pick up Elijah Craig for sipping purposes. ;)
  24. I've only recently discovered how good whiskey can be. I've been a beer drinker ever since college and rarely touched liquor until my wife decided to get me a mini bar for my 40th birthday. Now I'm into Jameson, Jim Beam, and JD. The guy at my local liquor store recommended something called Eagle Rare, which is a Kentucky-style bourbon whiskey...very tasty. That said, I don't drink this stuff straight. Of course, I've tasted them straight to compare, but I prefer to mix it with something...ginger ale, soda, something. Any recommendations for a good Kentucky bourbon/whiskey? I like the Eagle Rare, but I'm looking to try others.
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