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Buffalo Wings

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Everything posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. I wanted St. Louis (except for Hitchcock), but I'm ok with the Sharks. Nice to see at least one team in the finals will be someone different.
  2. Someone ranting about politics, period. I had two cysts removed from my right hand last week (middle finger and thumb). It's not the end of the world, but I still have stitches in and can't get out to the golf course. I don't know why the doc didn't use the ones that absorb into your skin. This means I have to get them taken out, which I should know about on Tuesday. It was up to me when I wanted to get them removed, so like an idiot, I waited all winter and scheduled it for spring when I should have started golfing.
  3. I don't like it, either. Messes up my playoff pick 'em pool, but I still don't think the next round should start until this one is over. If it wasn't for Hitchcock, I'd be pulling for the Blues all the way.
  4. I feel a void in my life..
  5. I can see your disdain for Hitchcock, but I like to see the Blues finally do something significant. That's a good, hard-working team with some underrated talent (Tarasenko, Elliot, Backes, Bouwmeester, Parayko, etc). I might have to root for them the rest of the way. That third period - hell, the entire game - was what playoff hockey is all about. Great up & down action, good goaltending, posts & crossbars, good hits, and an intense crowd. I want that in Buffalo.
  6. I've got a lhasa-shih tzu mix (11 year old girl, but acts like she's 4) and a purebred shih tzu (6 yeard old boy)...a couple of ankle-biters. The boy loves day care, but the girl would rather stay home.
  7. I don't have kids, but I have two dogs and take them to a day care facility twice a week.. The first time I did that, I felt the same way you did...harder on me than on them. At least with dogs, they'll forget about you after 20 seconds, but once you arrive to take them home, life is grand for them again. :wub:
  8. The game is fixed! I like how the Hawks have taken care of business in recent years, but it's time the league stops favoring them. Let someone else (outside of the Rangers, Pens, Wings, or Phlyers) have a shot.
  9. All right, maybe Doc does get a little too anecdotal. :P I still like him as a play-by-play guy.
  10. I just think Thorne got too excitable at times. He was good at calling the game, but just went over the top with the goal calls too much. I don't see why there is so much hate for Emrick. I've always loved the guy - very knowledgeable about every level of the game and excellent at calling the game (not too many stories while play is going on).
  11. My shoulder tendonitis is still barking a bit...and it's now golf season. I was hoping it would've settled down by now.
  12. Don't get me started....then again, I just hit the board for the first time now. My company likes to "refine" (not re-org) every three months. Just when we think we've got the structure down pat, our CTO comes up with new changes. On the plus side, I think I'm getting a new supervisor that's not the nitpicking, micro-managing one I have now.
  13. Very sorry, Claude. Pets aren't just pets...they're family. I had to put down my dog about 7 years ago - she had plenty of health issues and we decided with the vet that it was time. It was - by far - the hardest thing I've ever had to do. She was really the first pet I ever had (we had a dog when I was really young, so I barely remember him) so it hit me pretty hard. We had another dog and a cat at the same time, but the house still felt different. Probably the hardest part was that we put her down on a Friday afternoon. I was a mini-wreck for the next day or so (I would've been completely unproductive at work the next day) and it was all we could think about over the weekend.
  14. I'm on this board every other day and I missed this thread somehow... :blink: I've always tried to be active - did some form of exercising 4-5 days per week, golf in the summer (and when the weather allows it), bowling league in the winter. But about three years ago, my company issued a challenge to all employees to "lose a ton" of weight. The idea is that everyone who signed up would collectively lose over 2,000 pounds within 6 months. At the time, we had about 800 employees, so the challenge was do-able. I decided to join the challenge and this changed my lifestyle. Using the MyFitnessPal app, I kept track of my calories every day and ended up losing 23 pounds in three months. The wife & I joined a gym and that significantly helped my goal. I did some work with a personal trainer and she was able to give me the types of workouts I could use on a weekly basis. On top of that, I do a boot camp class 2-3 days per week, which really kicks my a$$. I've actually been arranging my schedule around this class - the instructor is excellent, especially how he changes up the format every 1-2 weeks so we don't get into a rut. When I'm not doing boot camp or when I'm home and can't make it to the gym, I have my own elliptical or if the weather is nice, I have a pair of inline skates that I'll roll around the neighborhood with. We have enough inclines (some scary downhill streets) that make it quite challenging, so it's worth it to me.
  15. Everyone around me is getting sick. :unsure:
  16. He reminds me of a bigger Thomas Vanek...and not just because he comes from the Gophers.
  17. The ironic part...my company wants to outsource most of our work so we can maintain a "work/life balance". Then I get crap because I want to take a day off. I have to make sure I can't take the same days off as my colleague until more staff is hired...and we've been short-staffed for almost a year. Would've been nice if we actually hired the replacements.
  18. Near the end of my 12-hour day yesterday, one of my bosses (yes, you read that correctly) gives me and one other guy a hard time because we're both taking tomorrow off. This is not the usual co-worker I complain about, but a guy who can back me up and vice versa. So, if there are any firewall or network issues in our environment, a guy with much less experience will have to deal with them. Now I get to take the heat because I didn't notice that the other guy also had the day off when I booked mine.
  19. I don't. To be fair, we have a company vehicle that he can use and he has used it for stuff like this. However, at times when that isn't available or he's late to work and the remote site issue needs addressing right away, I'm the man. He's not an idiot, but he's lazy. He needs to be told "Go do XYZ" or else he won't do it. I just brought this to management again today and they "promise" he will do his fair share of the work and I don't have to bear the burden. We'll see.... Jujufish, my condolences go out to you. 31 is way too young. I hope you and your family will stay strong through this.
  20. I've gotten to the point where I need to have it on hand. I finished a bottle over the weekend, but made sure I had another full one prior to that.
  21. A co-worker of mine rides his bike to work every day. While that's all great and green and everything, it becomes a problem when one of us has to go to a remote location to fix a problem...like today, when I had to give up a couple of hours and drop my project work. In the end, it wasn't a huge deal, but we get into this discussion about when he's supposed to be in the office everyday: Him: I wouldn't been in earlier, but the wind made my ride difficult. Me: People who drive cars don't have that problem. Him: Tell the company to pay me more and I'll buy a new car. I paraphrased a bit, but yes...this actually happened. :wallbash:
  22. Along these lines, I've become a fan of Woodford Reserve - good taste, not too sweet, but sweet enough. I've been drinking Eagle Rare for a while - good to mix with, also.
  23. I was thinking more along the lines of... :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
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