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Buffalo Wings

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Everything posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. I did a major hardware upgrade on our network Tuesday night into Wednesday morning...had some issues that we worked through, but ended up backing out at 2:30am because one of the 27 different applications these devices support didn't work properly. I hate it. One stinkin' thing and we back out of 7 hours of work. The bright side was that I get OT pay and the commute home was pretty easy, but still... The Anaheim Angels (I refuse to call them what they're supposed to be called) - they lay down against the Red Sox or watch the umps give the Red Sox the game, then pull out all the stops and walk all over the Yankees.
  2. I needed this thread on Tuesday. I probably mention this too much, but I wish people with their own agenda would just go away. I'm a data network techie, so my group seems to get more requests within our entire IT department than any other - most of them are issues where remote locations are down, they need a port activated, they need access through the firewall, etc. When we need to do maintenance that takes something down, we can't do it until after hours and have to announce it to the world...makes sense, but it elicits about 314 questions about why, how, when, & who, so we get grilled beyond belief. Yet when other "highly visible" groups make changes, they can do it in the middle of the day without telling anyone. 95% of the time, they screw it up, then ask us to drop everything and help them fix their problem. My new mantra: "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." I'm also sick of these stories: State workers Seems like we're uncovering a new way that the state is wasting money each day and how these guys get away with it.
  3. Aaron Maybin, but mostly his agent.
  4. I hate those stubborn people who continue to argue a point even when they've been proven wrong. They're just arguing it because it was their point and they want to keep showing that they firmly believe it and won't back down. OK, great...your opinion is heard. But when you're wrong, you're wrong. Get over it.
  5. This is suddenly becoming a disturbing trend. Within 12 months, 4 people in the Albany area were killed (in 3 separate incidents) where the drivers were stoned or drunk and hopped onto an interstate going the wrong direction. I don't know if we're just hearing about it more or if it's really just happening more.
  6. A co-worker of mine continues to throw me under the bus. He doesn't understand half the stuff we do and always tells people to talk to me for the answers...as if I don't already have an overflowing plate. He "called in sick" yesterday - apparently, to avoid a meeting that he told others I should attend instead of him. Lucky for me, my supervisor isn't going to let him drag me in...this time.
  7. More.... I'm not happy today... When you're in meetings at work, I'd suggest not interrupting the person currently talking or begin a side conversation, even though you're trying to keep it quiet. It's distracting to :angry: *everyone* in the meeting, especially when it's in a small enough room. I need a refill of my acid reflux medication, so I called my doctor's office last Friday and left a message (everyone does that with these guys, that's not the issue). I usually get a call back within 2 business days saying the script is ready...nothing. I call this afternoon and even though they won't admit it, they apparently never got the message or are too swamped. This is a long-term thing (90-day with 3 refills) that I use mail-order for, so it usually takes almost 2 weeks for me to get it. I'm almost out of the existing stuff, so I may be out before the new order shows up. I know I could pick up pepcid or zantac from the store, but that costs me a few more bucks and it doesn't work as well. :angry: :angry: :angry:
  8. I keep wondering how some people in particular are able to procreate, while others (good people, IMO) can't.
  9. Speaking of work.... Paperwork. People where I work are falling in love with this concept of "write a summary of a project you're looking to work on and we'll decide if we should bring that to a formal meeting where the higher-ups then decide whether or not it you can invest the time in doing it". So what do we have to do...fill out a 3-page Word doc with summaries up the ying-yang, saying the same thing three times? :wallbash:
  10. Drivers who pay absolutely zero attention to others on the road. I was trying to leave my parking lot after work on Monday. It's a relatively big one, since there are about 1,000 people in my building. I got behind this yahoo crawling along at about 5mph, who decided to brake at every point in the lot that could be considered an intersection (where a row meets a "main drag" of sorts). She then actually stopped about 50 feet from the traffic light where you leave the lot (looked like she wanted to turn into a spot in front of the building) while the light was a stale green, ready to turn yellow/red at any second. I honked, so she realized she better get out of my way. You got it...I missed the light. No joke...it looked like she was sight-seeing instead of trying to find a parking spot. C'mon - it's not like I work at a major tourist attraction.
  11. Thank you. A handful of people I work with walk around with a blue tooth or some hands-free thing attached to their ear....like they're THAT important. That kick was over a year or so ago.
  12. I don't necessarily think it's cold, but it would seem kind of along the ranks of "we're getting a new one to forget about the old one". It's not that we want to forget about the old dog...we've been re-living the memories over the past week and that's actually helped more than anything. I've only thought about getting a new one because the house seems a little less full w/o her, plus a young dog would be a great playmate for our other one. We were fortunate in how we "stumbled upon" both of these dogs. The first (the one that we just put down) was a stray that my sister-in-law found and the second was one that we got from our groomer because the original owners gave up. Because our schedules are nightmares until December, we're going to wait until then....unless we "stumble upon" a new dog before then.
  13. Well, technically, I think she's irreplaceable, but I know what you mean. :thumbsup: We've had two dogs for a while, so the house isn't exactly empty. We will definitely get another one, though our schedules are preventing us from doing it right away. Likely in a few months, unless something comes along in the meantime.
  14. I had to put the dog down last Friday. This was the first time I'd ever done this and it was easily the most painful & difficult thing I've ever had to do. I still feel mildly guilty about doing it, but I know she's not suffering anymore. She would've just gotten sicker and things would have been exponentially worse for her.
  15. Well, when it's things like COBRA coverage, you have every right to complain. If you don't, that's not being lazy - it's being stupid. Major costs and/or purchases that you pay every month better be on the ball. I was referring to the little things - like the extra 20 cents your DD coffee costs or the extra "tax" the grocery store didn't tell you about, but it showed up at the register. I'm guilty of realizing that it cost more than I expected, but don't complain because I feel I'll look like one of those annoying customers that's crying over a dime. That said, I did complain to my local grocery store once - when the self-checkout aisles kept shorting me 2 cents on my change every time I used it. After a number of these instances, I went to the customer service desk. They were happily ready to give me my 2 cents, and it took a few minutes to get the point that the machine did this every time I used it. I use my debit card now, but each time I've used cash since I complained, the change was correct. :thumbsup:
  16. Same here, shrader. Thanks for the thoughts.
  17. This would be the first time for me. I've never really had a dog until the wife & I got this one, so that makes this decision that much harder. The vet always gives us the "quality of life" speech, which I can never argue with. Only recently, I've started thinking that she might be giving up, if she hasn't already. She doesn't do much around the house anymore, except for sleep on the couch. I know she's not comfortable, but it still doesn't make me want to make this decision.
  18. I saw this all the time with a health insurance company of mine. I think companies are doing this all the time, making gobs of money this way. Someone pointed out how Americans are too lazy to complain....it's ringing true more & more these days, especially as the economy is what it is now.
  19. That's the attitude of people these days, too. That statement is one thing if you're talking about moving to a new job to better your income, but not when you're talking about common courtesy. One idiot coughed w/o covering, knowing full well I was two feet from him...I was sick for a week & a half. My complaint: my dog is 13 and it's not looking promising. She's already stayed at the vet one night and will be there again tonight...she's not eating and her kidney enzymes are almost off the chart - this after about 2-3 years of kidney and liver problems. We may be making a difficult decision today or tomorrow.
  20. This is about all I can do for you right now... :beer: And I love it when one of my posts sets the thread off in a completely unpredictable direction. :thumbsup:
  21. People. Not all of them, but especially those who think your purpose in life is to drop everything and help them.
  22. One final complaint for the day... I know many of us don't watch baseball, but those score bars that sit there stationary on the screen are starting to burn in to my HDTV screen. I can adjust the stretch/zoom to eliminate that, but so much for the HD.
  23. People annoy me way too much, period. #1 - My boss left the job recently, so the new boss is the same person that has been "second in charge" of my unit. Everyone else is now bugging her, requesting the same stuff that was rejected by the old boss....as if she wasn't paying attention to begin with. #2 - The entire NY state senate.
  24. Microsoft Access - our outfit uses many databases with this and it's nearly unusable over a wide-area network. Us network support techies get the complaints (people think the network is slow) because Access is horrible.
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