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Buffalo Wings

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Everything posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. And that's what a lot of analysts have been saying. But hey, they got a deal done. As for the Prius thing, it's as if those drivers think they're entitled because they bought a hybrid and are saving the planet. I know it guzzles gas, but I'll stick with my Honda CR-V. I t-boned a deer on the highway going about 70mph last year and it did NOT total the car.
  2. That whole thing ticked me off...all of that panic and TV coverage so we can raise the limit on how much we owe. It's like telling your credit card company to raise your limit when you haven't paid your bill. And forget about how the legislators came off looking like heroes just because they got a deal done right before the deadline.
  3. Not trying to sound condescending or anything (because I feel like I need a new job, too), but at least you have one. We just laid off a bunch of employees this week, one of which was in my unit. One guy got a new job right away - he works for a consulting company, so they found him something quickly - but others are going to have a hard time these days.
  4. I'm totally with you guys. I guess I just hear more complaints about winter than I do about summer.
  5. My management is starting to think that farming out a large part of my job is a good thing because the so-called experts would be handing it. What the hell does that make me?
  6. I think you're the first person I've ever heard say such a thing.
  7. Beer has antioxidants. It should help. My (sort of) complaint...I decided to stick with my current job at the state. Things are stale and there's still a threat of layoffs that not even our division director has any clue who it could affect. As of today, I'm not affected, but who knows if that will change. In the end, I decided that there's enough to do to keep me going and I can still keep doing things outside of work that I love to do. Of course, I might change my mind tomorrow.
  8. I'm thinking this is more & more likely the case. The doc gave me a muscle relaxer and I kept taking Aleve for 10 days, but it hasn't gone away. They did suggest a nerve test if the meds didn't help, so I have a feeling that's what's next - I'll bring up the bursa thing, too.
  9. Gotcha. I'm contemplating now because it *feels* like tendonitis, but I know that the trigger point pain has gone away (in the past) by using advil. Aleve did wonders for my plantar fasciitis and the bicep tendonitis a few years back.
  10. I've actually got one of those bands - I used it to help with bicep tendonitis a few years back and had been using it off & on. I guess I should be "on" again. I also took Motrin PM last night so I could actually sleep...stupid thing kept me up all night the previous night. It probably does have something to do with the way I sleep. A chiropractor told me years ago that you should either sleep on your back or on your side.
  11. Advil is ibuprofen. Thanks, Doc.
  12. I've been having this complaint for years. I'm starting to think that road tests are becoming so much easier that it's almost like getting your driver's license from a box of cereal. People really have no clue on the roads anymore. My complaint (you knew I'd have one): I pulled something or wrenched the muscles by my shoulder blade so badly that it's triggered the trigger point and pain is shooting down my arm. No, it's not a stroke coming on (though, my stresses at work would disagree with that). I did this by simply raising my arm to wash my hair in the shower last Friday - the pain was in my neck/shoulder only until I woke up with this yesterday morning. I've been taking ibuprofen and it helps, but if I wake up with this again tomorrow, it's time for the doctor...and I have golf tournaments coming up. :censored:
  13. Completely agree on that. What I enjoy about my current job is that I can pretty much come & go whenever I want and I'm comfortable with knowing the network that people can come to me for answers - yes, the power is cool. However, that does pale in comparison a bit to the BS we've all been dealing with and how we can't seem to get what we need, while everyone else gets what they want. My boss hates her job and makes sure everyone knows it, too. The morale is pretty much as low as it can get...even the quiet/low-key people are complaining.
  14. Trying to decide if I should jump from a state job. State employee layoffs are coming (I have little doubt) and even though I have no idea if my position is targeted, I applied for a similar job with an up-and-coming company. The politics of this place suck and it's clear nobody I work with is very happy here anymore. But if I can survive the layoffs, the long-run benefits are worth it. :mellow:
  15. Same here. My condolences, Corp. Even though it was her time, it's hard to lose a loved one. The same thing happened with my grandmother.
  16. This week can't go fast enough for me. Warm temps forecasted for the weekend and I'm sitting here at work. I know there's a chance for thunderstorms, but I'm pumped about hitting the links all three days this weekend.
  17. It doesn't mean she shouldn't stop.
  18. Seriously. I was fortunate enough to have my annual golf trip last week when there was good weather and that I don't play again until Saturday (though my Monday league was rained out). Complaint: I never want to be in management. I've watched my current boss go from a good, respectable fellow employee (as 2nd in charge of our unit) to completely disorganized and unreasonable once our old boss left. I don't know what does that to people - perhaps it's the political BS you have to deal with or the constant pressure from others - but I want no part of it. Just give me a firewall to install and I'll handle it from there. Someone else can handle the project management piece of it.
  19. Bingo. The problem comes in where I'm the one person in my unit (outside of my manager) who understands best how to communicate with people and what should be done for certain processes. I don't think they realize that I'm also an engineer and don't want anything to do with being in charge. The other problem is that our old boss retired almost three years ago and my current boss hates being the one in charge. Of course, the old boss' position never got re-filled, so my current boss is the one holding the bag and has to do all of the paperwork crap. She knows I hate that with a passion, but it's her immediate supervisor that wants me in on this stuff. Upper mgmt is trying to turn the techie/engineer guys into half project manager, half engineer. Meanwhile, there would be nobody left doing the real work.
  20. I feel like that now, even though I've been here for 4+ years. My boss' boss wants me to start doing the paper-pushing for small projects that I'm handling. I want to upgrade/install the firewall, not write up the proposal, tell upper mgmt what this is about and why we have to do it, and arrange meetings for it.
  21. Thanks for showing us all what not to do. :thumbsup:
  22. It's an old saying at work (and gets pretty tiresome when I keep hearing it), but it's 100000000% true... Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. So many people I work with don't realize that our unit needs to be involved in projects (even some stupid project managers) that when it comes time for our work to be done - a day before the deadline - we get these losers walking up to our desks and asking us to drop everything and give them network access so they can complete their part of the project.
  23. Which is what we should be doing to Charlie Sheen.
  24. When will this sh*t ever end? Our government is stalling on passing a budget (they're off by what...a million dollars??) and threatening to shut down until this is done. All because a bunch of rich, greedy politicians don't like our President. It's probably not that simple, but jeez. This is going to affect a friend of mine who's married with 4 kids - he'll end up furloughed for however long this takes and may not even get back pay. Meanwhile, these same idiots will be wining and dining at the classiest, most expensive restaurants in Maryland while he & his wife scrape out the bottom of the peanut butter jar. This is worse than the NFL whiners.
  25. Don't be so down in a hole about it.
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