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Buffalo Wings

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Everything posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. I'm not at work, I have 3 days left at that job....no, I have nothing to complain about. I'm not even that annoyed about the likely snow fall we'll get today.
  2. I'm leaving this job, but it still irks me when people just don't get it. Listen to the facts that I present instead of nodding your head (as if you agree), then continuing to present your case.
  3. Hats for bats. Gracias.
  4. I finally got that job offer I was looking for an accepted it. Even better, I thought my boss was going to flip (because they rely on me too much around here), but she didn't. She acknowledged the crisis they'll be in, but admitted that she understood my reason for leaving. Now, off to the pub. :beer:
  5. Thank you. Shortly after I posted this, I got the call with an offer. Logistics are similar to what I'm getting now (job duties, salary, benefits, commute, location), but I'd be leaving a state agency. Granted, I'd get the retirement benefits if I stuck around, but morale is down and given the instability of the union and its contract, I don't even know if I'd be able to stick around for that long, anyway. Time to make another adult decision.... :unsure:
  6. Had to help with taking my mother to the ER last night. We get there a little after 8:30pm, leave just after 12:30am. It was just an infection in her foot, but she was in pretty bad pain trying to walk. At least that should be resolved, but I didn't get to bed until almost 2:00am, which might be causing this headache. I'm also waiting for a call about a job I interviewed at last week. I was told I'd hear something early this week, but I haven't heard anything yet. Thus...anxiousness abounds.
  7. I may have missed this, but I'm loving this weather. Cool (almost cold) mornings, warm afternoons, and cool evenings. Perfect for a round of golf and a couple of Sam Adams Octoberfests. :thumbsup:
  8. I wasn't going to complain after hearing about chz's Grandfather, but I can't let this one go... I was in a meeting this afternoon with a vendor talking about the design for a major upgrade to our network. Myself, my colleague, my manager, and two high-up directors...the two directors were admiring each other's smart phones and talking loud enough so that I could hardly hear the vendor talking to us from across the table. REALLY???
  9. So sorry, chz. At least you know that he's at peace now.
  10. You are truly a saint, chz. Reminds me of a round of golf I played on a rainy day earlier this year - we're on the green that sits next to a pond and many of the baby frogs had jumped out of the water to hop around the green. They were the size of your fingertip (at most) and they weren't in our way at all, but some dolt in my foursome decides to smash one with his putter. Dude...really? I know I'm about to start a fire flaming inferno with this, but I'm ticked off at PEF members for voting the contract down. I think my job is safe, but that vote just laid off almost 4,000 people statewide. Those who voted it down don't even care, either. It saves their own job and doesn't hurt their retirement. What's worse is that my agency is informing those affected via EMAIL. Seriously? At one other agency, at least the directors personally informed the employees of their fate face-to-face. Talk about lack of compassion....
  11. Have you noticed anything weird with the sound on NBC with HD? Basically, it's as if it's all reversed - the crowd seems to drown out the announcers. I've noticed this with any sport that NBC broadcasts, but I can't seem to tell if it's HD-related.
  12. Understood...completely. Job satisfaction is a big thing to me, too. About 5 years ago, I actually left my current job and came back after a year of being miserable and bored somewhere else. Things here have certainly changed within those 4 years - people leave and don't get replaced, upper mgmt wants to do things that are cardinal sins in the IT world, we can't get money to do things, and my manager openly hates the job. And to Kevbeau, I agree with the idea, but I'll just say that I'm dealing with a state entity. I'm sure they're restricted in what they can or can not offer. Again, I don't have an offer yet, so this may end up being a decision I don't have to make.
  13. My job has officially reached the point where myself and my 2 co-workers are being lectured at during our staff meetings. We took a pretty good hit last month when we lost 2 staff members (that aren't being replaced), but with all things considered, we've managed do get the work done pretty well since then and our time hasn't been terribly consumed - even with the weather hampering things. Yet, our manager continues to tell us that we can't drop what we're doing to help others because we're so ****in' busy. I'm not sure if she realizes that we're not working on these "priority" jobs every waking second. I brought it up yesterday that we actually can take care of the simple stuff that takes 20 seconds to do in between these other priorities. In other words, we're capable of multitasking. I'm almost 40 years old...I don't need to feel like I was just caught pulling little Suzy's pigtails. Somewhat related, I was at a job interview recently where I like the looks of the job I'm up for, but the pay is 8-10k less. I haven't been offered the job, but they seemed to like me enough. :unsure:
  14. This is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine. People who don't know the rules really piss me off, but more so than traffic circles are the ones at 4-way stop intersections. They never know who should go first (so there's a lot of starting & stopping), when you know you're next, some jackwagon waves you through like he's doing you a favor, and there are people who just piggyback behind others to get through before everyone else. The pumpkin iced coffee has worn off - my golf round was canceled today because the course is closed. I can understand it because we have a 3-day tournament this weekend and they haven't been able to maintain the course since last Friday because of the rain, so they want it in prime shape. But that means I have to be at work all day. <_<
  15. Rain. First day of school. Accident on the commute (not me...someone else, but it snarled traffic and I walked into work 45 minutes late). But I had pumpkin-flavored iced coffee...happy days.
  16. You've definitely got me on this one, but what I highlighted describes a number of people I work with (most of them superiors) to a T. I don't know what it is with everyone who has to interrupt you...especially when you're trying to answer their question. Dominating the conversation doesn't exactly inspire a team effort.
  17. This. It's difficult when you have a condescending boss that doesn't understand half the stuff you already forgot about in your career. What also sucks is the devastation that Irene caused. No, she wasn't anything like Katrina or Rita, but she hit upstate NY and Vermont pretty hard. If you ever start to think how you don't like your house or your neighborhood, read up on what happened to Prattsville, NY...a small town (population 700) on the Schoharie Creek in Greene County that was literally washed away after the creek flooded. People lost their homes, businesses, farms, and lives. I can't imagine what they're going through.
  18. So...what are you trying to say? :beer:
  19. It's beyond painful...it's maddening. Even worse is that person is supposed to understand the work that I do and they don't. Even worser is that they act like they know this stuff.
  20. I swear to God...either every state's DMV is becoming less restrictive with their road tests or people get their license from a box of Apple Jacks. My complaint: nitpicky-ness, arrogance, ignorance, and stubbornness aren't exactly great attributes to be combined in a single person, especially if that person works with you.
  21. I guess you hate me, then. Sorry, but it's not that hard to spell things right these days (or even if you spell it right, it's not that hard to figure out which version of "there, their, or they're" to use). If you're not sure, Google it.
  22. Maybe it's just me, but I continue to be dumbfounded at how disorganized and incompetent some people are. Simple things like forgetting to add the server admin to the emails (ones which tell him that his step of the maintenance is next) just really bug me these days. I often wonder - even though we're a NYS agency - how these people still have a job.
  23. My boss came back from vacation this week...by Tuesday afternoon, I was reminded of how peaceful the previous week was.
  24. Call it what you will, but I hit the thing square while it was running across the highway. The timing was perfect. It was as if the deer was standing perpendicular to the road.
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