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Buffalo Wings

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Everything posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. I’m now convinced the Bruins are winning the cup and Rask gets the Conn Smythe.
  2. And yet another Boston team gets the benefit of a silly, obscure rule that shouldn’t exist. I’ve seen lesser hits get called for majors, even during this postseason.
  3. I have no words. Every professional league claims they care about player safety, then something like that gets all of 2 minutes. Way to send a message. I already hate the Bruins. They don’t need this help.
  4. It’s that nervous, “Uh oh, we’re about to blow this” silence. If Carolina wins, the Bruins would be the highest remaining seed left. Yikes.
  5. How is Carolina doing this?
  6. At least NBC will be happy to have the Boston market for another round
  7. Could be, yes. Torts is probably the reason they’re playing like this. I realize that sweeping the Lightning is no small feat, but I just can’t see them getting past the Bruins or Leafs.
  8. Dammit...after all that time that the Leafs controlled play, too. Full disclosure - I hate the Bruins more than the Leafs. The winner of this goes to the ECF. Columbus won’t beat either of these teams and I can’t take that.
  9. Someone call Scott Sandelin from UMD. His teams play the right way. Solid defense, great goaltending, great PK. Timely and opportunistic scoring. I’ve seen this guy run a great program for the past 10 years (he’s been there longer than that) and he makes his teams play hard every game. He’s on the cusp of winning a second straight national championship. He might be willing to jump to this level.
  10. No, that’s Anne Hathaway. She’s not my wife
  11. I didn’t get it confirmed until Monday morning, but I came down with the flu last Saturday. It ruined my whole weekend and week. I’ve missed the last 4 days of work (not necessarily a bad thing), but I’ve been left to fend for myself since the wife is out of town. I’m sure I infected the local cvs and grocery store to get the stuff I needed, too. I’m sure I caught it from a co-worker, even though I got the shot early this year. I don’t understand why you show up to work if you’re in such bad shape. It’s all a matter of perspective, but it caused me to miss out on a couple events I like to do this time of year. The wife and I have even cancelled hosting Christmas dinner and probably won’t be doing anything, since our local siblings don’t want me anywhere near them. And I’m sure she’ll get it when she comes home.
  12. Big time back & forth game...3-2 Pittsburgh. Someone stop them...PLEASE. And for the record, Doc Emrick is still the best play-by-play man in the game. As much as I love RJ, Doc will always hold a special place in my heart.
  13. Let’s go Lightning
  14. Bucking Fruins.
  15. Best part of this game so far...The Rat-fink Marchand getting toasted by Kapanen
  16. Was it me or was that latest penalty borderline? I do hate the Bruins, so perhaps it's sour grapes...
  17. The Pittsburgh Penguins Again :wallbash:
  18. I know it's not Thursday anymore, but I can't resist... Back pain has been bugging me for a year. The chiropractor insisted it was due to my hips - one being shorter than the other. After 8 months of a special insert in my shoes not helping, I insisted to him that it wasn't getting better. He approved an MRI, which showed inflamed discs in my lumbar vertebrae. It's taken me out of commission for a month and I miss doing my workouts. The chiropractor decided that spinal decompression is the answer, but it hasn't helped. So, I caved a bit and went to my primary doctor, who recommended physical therapy. I've been to three treatments with PT and I'm already slowly getting better. He's a real nice guy, but I just wish the chiropractor would've done a better job of helping fix the issue instead of treating the symptoms. I've complained about my co-worker for about a year now. He's lazy and sloppy, but makes so many excuses about how things aren't his fault, our mgmt can't do anything about it. He even got "exempted" from overnight trips because he hates doing them (I admit they're a bit of a pain in the arse, but we all have to do them every now & then) and claimed he was told he didn't have to do them upon his hiring 5 years ago. HR had no argument against it, so they relented. :censored: :censored:
  19. I've come pretty close to doing this myself lately. I had a vacation at the beginning of October and it took me less than 3 days to get completely frustrated with my co-workers after I came back. Seems like enough people around me are getting away with a bunch of things that they shouldn't - nothing worthy of termination, but things like not following the rules, not helping out when we need it, constantly asking favors of me & my group, and coming in late/leaving early. Crap like this keeps happening and mgmt can't seem to stop it. I'm also doing a lot of after hours stuff - upgrades, replacements, etc. that IT guys have to do after hours. I worked 8 hours this past Sunday because of something we didn't expect - it was 4 more hours than I had planned on, but it just wore me out. It's getting to the point where I get my 6-7 hours of sleep a night, but it's just not enough. Headaches won't go away, either. One thing that has helped is the gym. Going to my group boot camp class, where the instructor is really kicking our a$$es, allows me to vent it out and I actually feel much more relaxed afterwards. I do it three days a week - one of which is Saturday morning - and I've really enjoyed it. Good people there, too.
  20. Woke up with a searing sinus headache this morning. Put me in a crabby mood and when I got to the office, I let a couple people have it. I felt bad...only until I remembered these people had it coming.
  21. Not trying to belittle your situation, but at least she's passionate about something. My co-worker is lazy and doesn't care about anything. The amount of time and energy he spends explaining why he shouldn't do a particular task is 10x as much as it would be to just do it.
  22. I got one, too...and I'm going on vacation first thing Saturday morning. At least I have it now and not while I'm on vacation. Speaking of stupid people on the roads...had a backup on the highway this morning because a trooper had stopped someone and was on the shoulder. Everyone did the right thing by moving over and clearing out the right lane. Then some knucklehead probably said "F this" and swerved into the right lane and flew by everyone. It appeared that the trooper had let his guy go, but was still stopped with lights flashing. I don't know what the law says, but this doesn't seem right to me. And why on Earth would DOT have construction going on said busy highway during the morning rush hour?
  23. End of the year golf outing this Saturday...I'm on the committee to set up the teams, handle the $$, etc. every week, so we all met last night to set up the final one of the year. It's amazing how much we argue over the pettiest of things - who's in, who's out, how much to allocate to prizes, how the teams should be done, and so on. And this is all for about 45 guys - 20 or so of which constantly whine and complain about their average, how things aren't done right, how things aren't fair, blah, blah, blah. I work 50-60 hours a week and Saturdays are supposed to be relaxing. With this group of chuckleheads, that's impossible.
  24. I originally had yesterday off to play in a golf tournament, then get some various odd tasks done that need to get done. Then we get an emergency request Tuesday afternoon to work on a high-profile project initiated by the CEO, which needed to be done as soon as humanly possible. So, what do I do? I volunteer to cancel my day off, withdraw from the tournament, and show up to work. I completed everything I needed to do with about 3 hours to spare. Then I find out it really just needed to be done by the end of the week. :censored: That said, it has to do with relief for Harvey victims in Texas, so I'm not too upset.
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