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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. I really just want them to race cars lol. They basically stopped that with Fast 5.
  2. It's dumb and fun and that's all it's gotta be!
  3. We're a 24 hour operation, so no one is asked to do anymore than 8 hours per shift. We do get the odd occasion like New Year's Eve where we run busy into the wee hours of grave shift and a dealer or 2 might end up getting stuck for an extra hour, but they get time and a half for every hour over their 40. Plus, none of them work 40 anyway, because 90% of them sign the "early out" every night (that's a list to voluntarily get cut as business demands necessitate.) My dealers average about 35 hours per week, full time, of a scheduled 40. My supervisors average about 37. When I send payroll out at the end of a given week there might be 4 names on the OT list, and those 4 people pick up shifts in other departments. Or they are poker dealers who never want to go home because they can make $600 a night.
  4. Oh, I use all 30 of my PTO days every year. And whenever I have to show up for a meeting that I'm not getting paid for(salary), I make sure to get those hours back when I can. Preferably on my Friday.
  5. $250/month just for showing up when you're scheduled. And I'd love to hear it.
  6. Oh, I canned him 2 days ago. But he's far from the first and he definitely won't be the last. I have 210 people. 35 of them are within 1 flat tire/lost car keys of being suspended. Conversely I have 19 all stars who get a perfect attendance bonus check every month.
  7. You get 10 "points" in a 12 month period before you're terminated with cause. Everyone has 1 emergency day and everyone gets vacation time. 1 point for each call-in. Consecutive call-in's result in half points. So if you call in sick on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday you only get 2.5 points instead of 4. That COVID policy ended 2 months ago. Now the only way they get to stay home is with a legit PCR test from a doctor that is dated. They get 5 free days from the positive test. You got symptoms? Tough *****, put on a mask and let's go. Is that rough? Sure, but I've had 30% of my staff lying their ***** off for the past 3 years abusing the ***** out of the pandemic. All while making $42/per hour
  8. I had a guy get hired 11 months ago. In those 11 months, he quarantined with COVID symptoms 7 separate times for a grand total of 24 days. No positive COVID tests, just called in with "symptoms" and never went and got tested so he could skip 5 days of work (it was a bad company policy.) After that, he managed to accumulate 11 additional call-ins. So to recap, this guy is part time, is scheduled between 3 and 4 days per week, has been at said job for 11 months, and has managed to take 35 sick days(24 of which didn't count against him because of bad policy.) That's a touch excessive, right?
  9. We do 10ish. Slightly more if you know how to work the system.
  10. How many times should you be able to call-in sick to work before you get fired? I'm not talking cancer sick. That is what FMLA protection is for. I'm talking "got a case of the ***** It's, and I'm not going in today." It's a small debate we're having at work right now.
  11. Let's go Mage.
  12. The Fast and the Furious movies ranked: 4, 1, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10. Hobbs & Shaw was fun, but I won't rank it among them. If I had, it's probably after 7. Fast X was not good. I can't fully decide if it was better or worse than 9 yet.
  13. Looks like we might get some bonus hockey.
  14. You're better off.
  15. Morons. That's who. People that think Liver King and Andrew Huberman are a personality type.
  16. I'm still up. I'm not due for bed til about quarter after 3.
  17. That goal probably should have counted. Eh, what are ya gonna do?
  18. That's a sea lion 😛
  19. Had surgery on my foot at the end of March. Couldn't walk for a month. Couldn't walk my dogs for 6 weeks. Have to have it again. ***** me! Damn plantar wart. It came back before the wound was fully healed. This time I'm taking a freaking month off of work. Aiming for October. That's a supreme "sit at home and do nothing" kind of month. And spending a $G on new footwear sure is going to suck balls too.
  20. Yankees. My dad and I watched around 145 games per year together from about 1992 until I moved out in 2003. Even then, I'd still call him whenever anything cool happened in a game. It didn't even have to be a big game, could have been a cool sliding catch in June. Paul O'Neill is my only favorite player in any sport. The distain he had for his own failure is probably my favorite quality in an athlete. 1996 World Series is my favorite sports memory. After that it's the 03 NCAA Basketball Championship. The Baseball Hall of Fame is the greatest museum on planet Earth. I can easily spend 5 hours inside and not get sick of looking at the awesomeness in there.
  21. If you work out barefoot in a public gym I should be legally allowed to fight you. Bunch of *****in animals.
  22. Rome, NY is The Copper City. Well...was. they haven't produced copper there since I was little. Edit: It's also the city where they broke ground for the Erie Canal.
  23. San Francisco is San Fran. The locals love it when you call it this, trust me!
  24. I hate the knights jerseys.
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