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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Yep. 7 years younger and came into the league 2 years later. Math checks out.
  2. We will officially have 10 perfect movies in a couple months when the next Fast & Furious movie comes out.
  3. Another afternoon game? Ok, fine. I'm in.
  4. RIP Black Rob. Whoa was an anthem.
  5. I'm afraid that's gonna be about it for this one. We're getting absolutely destroyed.
  6. Good shot, Tage. Should have tried it again.
  7. Got lucky there. We're gonna get our doors blown off if the Pens keep this up.
  8. How many goals have been scored off of our goalies backs from below the goal line this year?
  9. 3 pm puck drop. I knew I could do a 30 minute indoor bike ride starting at 10 of.
  10. I watch hookers work grifts on embezzlers. I like an underdog, what can I say?
  11. I try to put myself in Ralph's position. The Pegulas offer me all that dough to coach the sabres. I definitely say "yes!" After I do that I just try to hang on for as long as I can. I'd have probably changed my system a couple of times, but my results would have been pretty much the same. Bad coach. Oh, and for the record: I know plenty of con-artists who are fine people.
  12. Oh, and Allison Crowe's version of Hallelujah... Jesus Christ, holy ***** *****, I got it! You enjoy whaling. ***** me, that was obnoxious.
  13. 4 years ago I watched The Justice League and thought, "welp, that sucked." Yesterday I watched Zach Snyder's Justice League and thought, "wow, this is so much more boring and awful than the first time." Hey, let's take a ***** movie and make it 2 hours longer and make all these superheroes a bunch of sad boys. Throw in some hipster music everytime Tattoo Thor is on screen. Yeah, that's the ticket. I tapped out with 55 minutes to go.
  14. They played that entire empty net sequence perfectly.
  15. That would have been *****in amazing
  16. He was lined up for the same shot that he already scored on.
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