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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. NHL network says it's done.
  2. You can get them from puppy mills here for about 800, 1200-1500 from a reputable breeder. But then there's his first years shots, check ups, getting fixed. It's a fortune. Anyway. Ordered the system went with FrontPoint based on consumer reports and angies list. Hope it calms the wife down. Thanks for the input, guys.
  3. Thanks Heimdall. I laughed.
  4. You lucky man. Have a blast! Last time I saw Megadeth was Woodstock'99 and they f#cking rocked!!
  5. True, but that's over years and months. Not one day lol.
  6. Blue -220 White +150 Who wants action?
  7. It will make my wife feel better, plus it will stop her from buying another dog. She's been talking about rottweilers all day. I love rotties and I want one, but I can't swing $2000 for a dog today lol.
  8. My dog does seem to work because it looks like I own a wolf, but he can't call the cops after he eats people.
  9. My friend who lives 2 streets over, had his house broken into early this morning while he was sleeping in it. He and his family are fine, but the burglar(s) cleaned them out. I called ADT after I found out and set up an appointment for tomorrow. I'm aware that I'm being paranoid, but he and I work in the same place, same hours and we have the same sleep habits and apparently these people knew when to target him... So do us anyone have a security system, are you happy with it and if so, what should I know going into this consult tomorrow, what should I ask? I trust you guys and gals here will always shoot me straight.
  10. Derek Jeter dated and dumped: Mariah Carey, Jessica Beal, Jessica Alba, Lara Dutta, Minka Kelly and Jordanna Brewster. All without any one of them saying anything negative about him in the press. He's the greatest player of this or any generation!
  11. Hits and runs aren't productive now? This is like judging pitchers without considering wins. Except for that whole winning thing...he never quite got that down.
  12. If you're going to do that then Jeter is Jagr. Edit: because I don't believe the sabres have ever had a player other than Dom that is on Jeters level.
  13. Well of course the farewell tour is stupid. But did you see the awesome sh!t that Mariano got last year? He had to go for it, haha!
  14. Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Thurman Munson, Greg Nettles, Willie Randolph, Ron Guidry, Don Mattingly and Derek Jeter. Munson was very often referred to as the captain and that was in the 70s.
  15. He's 9th all time in hits! Ninth!!! He's probably going to end up 6th all time. You cannot possibly do that by being average. Hits produce runs, runs win games. And he's 11th in runs all time.
  16. All of this is wrong.
  17. I think that's in the ballpark.
  18. No it's because Atlantic City is a shithole and the casinos are all on life support with the exception of Borgata. Atlantic City will be completely dead in 15 years. There's no NYC money coming in anymore, it all goes to Connecticut and Pennsyltucky.
  19. Just waived at my neighbor as my dog was shitting on his lawn. Zero f#cks given.
  20. Detroit translation: "Oh, you don't like that we've made the playoffs every year for the last 2 decades? Ok, go ###### yourself!"
  21. ....I love Mozart! He was Austrian, you know. But for this kind of work, I find him a little bit light. So I tend to go with the heavier guys. Check out Brahms, he's good too.
  22. Is your wife from Northeastern Pennsyltucky, by chance? They love that ###### here. Edit: Ha!! My phone auto corrects anything that starts with 'Penn' to Pennsyltucky!
  23. Wasn't that the "Hand of God" game?
  24. Facebook! Skynet has become self aware.
  25. I'm in. But just so you know, ghost. This works out poorly for you in the end.
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