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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Hence the literary/historical references.
  2. So he's the Coyotes own personal Rasputin, or perhaps Cardinal Richelieu. How nefarious indeed. I concede. Darcy is running Arizona.
  3. So what does Maloney do? Did he take the past month off? Is it Darcy's show in the desert? I can't buy that an assistant GM is running their franchise.
  4. Hahaha Edit: I'm taking a nap. Wake me when Stewart is gone!
  5. Why is darcy getting so much credit around here? He's a glorified scout. Unless you read this board, we make him sound like the VP of hockey operations. Surely he's in everyones ear planting seeds for tank ideas! Surely he's behind it all! Horse !
  6. I got him up to an 87 then unloaded him for a first and Mikkel Boedker. Lol
  7. We suck again!
  8. That's way more expensive than a new house. Could be a decent long term investment though.
  9. Lowlife? What about the wives? I'm gonna go ahead and put it on the wives. Those guys are just being good teammates by getting their boys out of paying alimony to those gold digging wh0res. Edit: Except Lindros. that guy!
  10. I just overnighted one...thanks!
  11. I get the complaining about WGR. I'm good with that.
  12. Not bad Rex.
  13. Where did you go to college, where you didn't pound a single beer in your freshman year and where everyone who did was a "drunk?" Please tell us.
  14. Damn rich kids and their Bud Light! He will never fit in in Buffalo drinking these premium beers in college. He will never be able to relate to the struggle of college students who have to drink Natty, and Beast Ice or who can only afford 30 'Stones! If he's this pompous already it can only get worse. ... On Second thought, it's all good. Party on Jack.
  15. I don't get art. Seriously, you're the only artistic person that I "know". I find your situations with students interesting though. I am very NOT artistic, I just remember taking art as an elective Jr year of high school thinking it would be an easy A and a good way to talk to a particular girl, boy did that suck. I would finish a portrait or a landscape and my teacher would hand it back and say "this is a very nice start." Nice start? I'm finished! Good luck finding your way to get through. I teach certain classes at work and it's always harder when everyone is grasping and advancing through the material except one or two.
  16. Did Doc Gooden or Darryl Strawberry ever get suspended for blowing lines and banging skanks right in the locker room in '86? It took until Strawberry hit the downside of his career to get suspended, and unlike Hamilton's current case, Straw actually failed a test. Edit: Same with Gooden, by the way. Ten years after riding coke to their WS rings. I'm not saying he shouldn't be suspended, he probably should. I'm just not convinced it's a race thing. But I'm a cynic...
  17. So, Josh Hamilton relapsed on coke and booze again. Word is the MLB is probably going to lay down some punishment. Is it right or wrong for Major League Baseball to suspend an addict? Discuss! Or don't, I won't tell you what to do.
  18. My old lady had surgery yesterday morning. All went well, no complications, just standard discomfort and pain. Fast Forward to today. Pain multiplied by 10, light and noise sensitivity, she has to sleep sitting up in the recliner in my man cave in total darkness and silence because of the headaches. She can only take half a percocet at a time because a whole one makes her nauseous, and who wants to throw up after they've had their face torn off and bashed in. I don't mind waiting on her hand and foot, I really don't. I just want her to be done with this pain. I hate seeing her this way and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.
  19. I've met Lindros twice. I would bet a million dollars that all of this is true.
  20. Every time I hear him talk, I find myself hoping he used to get the beat out of him in high school. I know, I'm a terrible person.
  21. Or not, it appears to have not worked.
  22. Done!
  23. Boom! Goalie of the future.
  24. Yep....i can't wait to have more kids. Just so I can name them bill, Jack, Tim and Sarah. My kids will have the most unique names in their class. Oh, and good for Otter and his wife.
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