I had to join a new men's league at a new rink a little while back when my days off at work changed. I went from a league of almost entirely good natured, fun loving guys and girls(D League). To a league of 22 year old, thinks it's a big deal that they played Junior B, wannabe super stars. (B League).
I can play hockey with these kids, no problem. The games are hyper competitive, but I get to hit a little and get away with a little more, so that's cool.
The thing that blows my mind is that this league allows fighting. Are you kidding me? Actual fighting in a men's league and you don't get banned from the rink for eternity.
Who even wants to fight in a men's league, you've got to be a major tool bag to try and drop the gloves against another working stiff who's just out to play some puck on a Tuesday. (full disclosure, I did try to get Dennis Bonvie to drop the gloves once upon a time. But that's a different story.)
Has anyone ever played in a league like that? I'm not really sure I want to stay in this league after this session wraps up. I kinda make a living with the public seeing my face and it doesn't look too professional if it's dented.