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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. That's great man. Good for you.
  2. I've had an LG G2 for a while now and I will most certainly be getting the G4 when I upgrade after it comes out. I love LG phones. My first camera phone(back when it was a big deal lol) was LG, I had the Dare when it came out. After that I had the Motorola Droid X, then the Razr Maxx and now I'm on The G2. LG is good stuff.
  3. Yup, that's mine. First time I ordered one down here I asked the bartender for a blue and my beer showed up with fruit in it. My mistake. I don't dislike Yeungling, although some call it Pottsville piss water.
  4. This. And at 22 you won't be the worst player for long.
  5. Yup, bunch of dumbass coal miners and guys waaaay too old to live with their parents. Yes. Even the goons and guys that barely sniffed the NHL are pretty incredible.
  6. I had to join a new men's league at a new rink a little while back when my days off at work changed. I went from a league of almost entirely good natured, fun loving guys and girls(D League). To a league of 22 year old, thinks it's a big deal that they played Junior B, wannabe super stars. (B League). I can play hockey with these kids, no problem. The games are hyper competitive, but I get to hit a little and get away with a little more, so that's cool. The thing that blows my mind is that this league allows fighting. Are you kidding me? Actual fighting in a men's league and you don't get banned from the rink for eternity. Who even wants to fight in a men's league, you've got to be a major tool bag to try and drop the gloves against another working stiff who's just out to play some puck on a Tuesday. (full disclosure, I did try to get Dennis Bonvie to drop the gloves once upon a time. But that's a different story.) Has anyone ever played in a league like that? I'm not really sure I want to stay in this league after this session wraps up. I kinda make a living with the public seeing my face and it doesn't look too professional if it's dented.
  8. Depends on which Utica hospital lol
  9. Yeah, like rodeo.
  10. It was probably my fault when I placed the order and I just didn't catch it. Which is probably most of the reason that I'm so pissed off. I probably shouldn't blame them. I work in guest service and I deal with stupid/unreasonable/flat out wrong people all the time. It is frustrating being on the other side.
  11. #stupidshit Dear Hockey Monkey, Go yourselves! Not only did it take you 17 days to send my . I didn't have a jersey for 3 games, thanks. Then the jersey is a youth large. Awesome, this might fit my next child in 8 years. Can't return it because it's customized. What a thing to make your day . Can someone slap me please?
  12. That would be awful. You can cycle the puck in the O Zone? Nolan would hate you!
  13. Laconfora tweeted that he wanted out.
  14. I just sent my kid to his room. I didn't want him thinking that's how to play on the power play.
  15. I love when the other team gets clean zone entries while on the PK.
  16. We are the Washington Generals of Hockey.
  17. He's fun to watch. Just a great player.
  18. Can John Murphy please never refer to him as 'Shady' McCoy in the play by play? The Philly pbp guy did that all the time and I really hated it.
  19. Yeah they were showing numbers that have him as a player who is more valuable on the bench than on the ice. I only caught a second of it.
  20. Chad Johnson coming back
  21. Noy Virt to the Iles?
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