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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. I went with the Hawk's because Toews is there.
  2. Oh boy, that was bad
  3. Yup. We probably have a good shot. What are the odds he waits until the draft or at least the draft lottery to sign?
  4. 1.5 days. Just finish tonight and tomorrow without snapping and I'm on vacation for 10 days. I'm burnt out. The beach will be nice.
  5. Isn't that part of the reason that they got rid of it in the NBA?
  6. Introduction of the illegal defense. Basically anything that Lou and Hitch do becomes illegal. Torts too, he liked the 6 goaltender system.
  7. Sweet, thanks. But first I must dominate you all in this challenge. I'm still chapped for only making the playoffs in SS Blue and not Gold.
  8. I'm in, thanks. Speaking of fun things. Can we get the gambling thread back for next year?
  9. That kid eats Puffed cheese doodles..... Pansy
  10. That's why you have the boards behind the net. Just jump into em like Ovi. Lol
  11. Ovi, one of the most entertaining players ever.
  12. Sure. I'm not calling her ugly or anything. Not that you implied that.
  13. I'm gonna have to disagree with her labeling herself "babe". I'd go with Food Lady. And I'm into older women. She does nothing for me. It might also have something to do with the fact that she's dumb as a bag of hammers. Marketing smart? Sure. Still dumb.
  14. The Bieber roast was weak compared to Shatter and Saget, but you are correct. Martha Stewart definitely killed it! Shaq surprised me too. Ludacris was a real let down for me.
  15. I just watched it ten times. I can't see the net moving. So either there was a huge gash in the net and the puck found it perfectly. Or it went wide. Or I watched it on my phone at 3am and I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing.
  16. Ville Leino was the reason that I cursed in front of my mother for the first time.
  17. I miss loving baseball. I want steroids back. I want the game of my youth. The game where 4 guys had 50 homers going into September. Man, those were good times. My opinion, of course.
  18. Work is awful tonight. And I actually like my job! Tonight just sucks. Half of the shift called in and I still have to make everything work. It only took 3 hours to get everything situated, and then we decided to can someone. "Hey ubkev, could you spot me another supervisor?" Yeah, I'll get right on that...... Again!
  19. Thank God, Ennis is back tonight. We generally lose with him in.
  20. It's a shame 75% will make the wrong choice.
  21. Well, I'm out. My boys made a good run at it, but came up just short. Don't Toews Me Bro will make their return next year.
  22. Hey look at that, 3 players who I actually enjoy watching.
  23. Just got home and put on gophers vs dogs, UMD looks pretty good, again. Perhaps a repeat of 2011?
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