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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Wow! Nice aviators, sling blade. On your way to Jonesboro?
  2. Well that sucks. Reminiscent of Phil Hartman.
  3. To that you can add thanksgiving, Christmas eve, Christmas, new years, and every other holiday. Still had a nice day with my family. The wife and kid took me out to lunch and then let me chill in the cave and watch the open. Off to work now, though.
  4. Hahaha. The course is just so damn ugly! Difficult is good. Oakmont is damn near impossible to play, but it's beautiful. Chambers Bay, not so much.
  5. In unrelated news! Gary Player is awesome! He totally ripped Chambers Bay and the USGA yesterday for this disgrace of a golf course. This is the ugliest course I've ever seen for what is supposed to be the pinnacle of American golf. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/06/gary-player-eviscerates-us-open-course-chambers-bay
  6. Leaning in is part of the game, it always has been. And all they crying that it has caused it 10x more fun to me than the 6th perfect game since 2010. The HBP wasn't some grave injustice. It wasn't Jim Joyce jobbing that kid in Detroit. He threw a close pitch and the batter took full advantage of it, just like he should have. You don't get a gift just because you've retired 26 in a row.
  7. I've been waiting for Hit Somebody for like 5 years now. Kevin Smith is really dragging his feet on this one. I don't know if it's going to happen.
  8. It was for me. That's the beauty of sports.
  9. I don't know, man. Spam is a controlled substance where I come from. However the rest of it sounds truly fantastic. Happy Father's day!
  10. I loved it. Just like I loved Ben Davis bunting to break up Schilling's perfect game back in 2001. I hate watching 2 guys play catch for 3 hours. Do everything you can to f*** the pitcher. 12 perfect games in my lifetime. I don't think it's exciting at all. On the flip side, there have only been 6 players to hit 4 home runs in a game in my lifetime. Now that is a feat!
  11. Strikeouts are boring! Besides, they're fascist! Throw some ground balls. More democratic!
  12. A-Rod: dinger: 3k Good for him. I miss steroids in baseball. I miss it so much.
  13. Do you like hot dogs??
  14. Agreed. I dig the Terry Murray hire.
  15. A friend of mine died 2 nights ago. He got out of work early, met some friends at the bar for a couple. Left with another friend and went for a ride. They went out to a track that they rode all the time, the roads were a little wet and he lost the bike on a soft left and slammed the guardrail. He died at the scene at age 27. Yeah, he made a mistake. Everyone knows that. But 27 is too young. Last night going to work was like walking into a funeral home. No one was talking, every break was quiet. It was very sad. I can't help looking at this situation as a window into my past. 5 years ago I moved to Pennsylvania for work and I changed my life, but before that, I was exactly like my friend. We would all get out of work early at least 3 nights a week and go straight to the bar that my girlfriend worked at and we would close the place down. She was always good at policing my drinking, but she could only do so much. There were nights that I should have never driven. Probably more than I'd care to admit. But nothing ever happened. I was invincible. You're always invincible until something goes wrong. I have a hard time thinking of how many times that I could have been the one laying on the medical examiner's table. I haven't had a drink and gotten behind the wheel in years. My wife and family have had a very strong impact on how I want to live my life, and how I want my son to see me. But this could have been me a few years ago. This post will be forgotten, that happens, I know. No one likes being preached to. But, get a ride home. Call a cab, walk if you're close enough. No one's mother deserves hearing that news. No one's girlfriend should be wondering if she should be worried about the sirens that she hears. This sucks, work is going to suck all week.
  16. Convince your dad to pay you a dollar for every goal you score, and then shoot as much as possible. You'll have enough for an RC Car in no time! :) Liger gave some good advice. Don't be a ball hog, but don't just give it up automatically. Look around and make a play, you have time. And no slide tackles. It's a charity game.
  17. I play in 2 leagues here in fabulous northeast Pennsylvania. One is run by the WBS Penguins and the other is run by another rink one town over. There is a large crossover of players playing in both leagues. The league at the Ice Box is chippy, there's a little fighting and everyone thinks they are playing for their next million dollar contact. 35 year olds show up in their city College intermural hockey jerseys, instead of their team jersey. The league run by the baby pens is amazing. 3 penalties in a game and you're tossed. Fight in a game and you're banned for life. Everyone shows up to play hockey and drink beer. The minute things get chippy, the refs throw everyone in the bad box. They do a nice job of keeping everything under control. I hate that I can't play anymore.
  18. In 1994 Jurassic Park came out on VHS and my parents rented it from blockbuster for all of us to watch. In 2015 I take my family to Jurassic World. The circle is now complete.
  19. Ryan Miller. There, I said it. Go ahead, pile on.
  20. It's going to happen. And when the commish hands that cup to Jack Eichel, all of us will cry. And all of us will rejoice. It will be a moment for us 1%ers that is only equaled by our first marriage and our children being born. It will be the personification of magic and mystique. It will be perfection.
  21. How's that Vermette trade looking now? It could be the worst trade ever, but he's holding the cup, right now. I'm getting reports from my buddy in Chicago. He says the fireworks haven't stopped since the horn blew. Sounds like artillery fire.
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