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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. So I get home from work at 3am. I'd like to have a beer and then go to sleep. I'm out of beer, OK. I open the fridge to find only my wife's reds apple ale. I look in the freezer, only Disorono. I look in the liquor cabinet and I find a bottle of twizzler flavored Vodka, a bottle of peach schnapps, a bottle of bailey's Irish Cream and a bottle of wine that a homeless person wouldn't cook with. I decided that the NyQuill in the medicine cabinet was the best option. Good night.
  2. Tanqueray and 7up for me! :)
  3. That sucks, bio. I'm very sorry. And my condolences to Jo. I love horses (my casino is actually at the track).
  4. "No, you're right!"
  5. Had another wake today. Officer killed in the line of duty. Sucks.
  6. Then he will just have to continue.
  7. Why does Eleven hate America?
  8. I'm all for the gallows humor. After all, I am the guy who said ROR should have chopped out a couple lines before driving.
  9. I have different levels of outrage for a college Freshman drinking at a house party, than I do for a young adult taking his and several other people's lives in his hands by driving drunk. Especially when said young adult has more money than God and can afford a plane to take him bar hopping. I do think I misunderstood what you meant on your first point though. I do not think that this one mistake should impact his career and livelihood. However it should impact his outlook on life.
  10. To the first: This should absolutely be a life changer for O'Reilly. If it isn't, he is officially a retard! To the second: I disagree strongly. Apologies for the use of that word.
  11. Lol Anyway, that was the best derby I've ever seen. That was a lot of fun.
  12. Oh boy, Eleven is grumpy tonight.
  13. Turn it on for a round if you can. It's rapid fire. Berman doesn't have time to "back back back back....." They don't get 10 outs anymore,they get 4 minutes. It's pretty cool.
  14. This HR derby is pretty awesome. I like the new format a lot.
  15. They don't teach these kids at rookie camp to do 2 lines of coke before attempting to drive after a night of drinking?
  16. Well that's not good.
  17. Is CI free for the first 3 weeks of the season? I feel like I read that here. If so, should I call after that point, or before? I cancelled my center ice package last year, because I wasn't paying any money to see that team play any games. This year I'm ready to go.
  18. They don't call it Pennsyltucky fer nuthin. Weak spot in the net. But this should help the legend of Jack.
  19. I love reading these things. Thanks for posting. Now I'm back on the Players Tribune site, reading all the rest of them.
  20. Ah, so you were out by me today.
  21. Of course I am. Hey, in this part of Pennsylvania, they call it a "parkade." The first time I heard that, I thought they said arcade. It was mass confusion.
  22. It took me nearly 4 years to realize what you guys meant when you said parking ramp.
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