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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. RIP Rowdy Roddy Piper http://deadspin.com/report-wwe-hall-of-famer-rowdy-roddy-piper-is-dead-1721429309 I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass..... And I'm all outta bubble gum!
  2. Or Roger Clemens
  3. I was in Cleveland for an Indians game vs the Twins. CC vs Santana. The Indians won it. It was a fantastic game! The Jake was rocking! We left the game expecting to party. Aaaaaaand the whole city went to sleep. To make matters worse, the strip club had their B squad working. The only redeeming part of the trip was the next day, we went to Cedar Point. No lines, no waiting all day long! That was awesome.
  4. I'd take it right to the post office tomorrow. Be NICE! Always be nice at the post office and DMV. Then just ask them if there is anything they can do. There's this too https://www.usps.com/help/claims.htm
  5. Pretty sure that the Post Office has to make that right for you. I'd look into it if you're that upset.
  6. d4rk,im still amazed by your Old Forge story. My family has a camp on that Lake. We would catch around seven or eight THOUSAND fish per hour fishing at night all summer long. Pole, line, hook, worm = fish! You may be cursed, dude.
  7. I haven't gone fishing since before I was old enough to drive. Damn I miss it. My dad would take my brothers and I out on Oneida Lake and I'd catch walleye all day. I always caught the most fish but my older brother always caught the biggest. I get 4 walleye and he'd get a 55 inch Northern. I've never fished for anything other than walleye, and they aren't exactly plentiful in the rivers of northeast Pennsylvania. I guess I'll have to learn to fish for bass. My kid went out fishing with a friend last year. He tied a line and hook to a sapling and he landed a 3 pound smallmouth! He's already a better woodsman than his dad. On the hunting side of it. I've only ever been a target shooter. I loved sitting in a stand with my bow shooting at deer targets. I would do this all summer long with my uncle and my cousins. We always had a ton of fun. When we were old enough for guns, my uncle would take us out to his friends land and we'd shoot gallon milk cartons with shotguns. As a teen, I had a new respect for what that weapon could do to something after I felt it's recoil and saw the milk carton explode! I still enjoy target shooting, but cost and availability of ammo is a hindrance.
  8. Not necessary. It's wonderful!
  9. Bought a 12 of Genny today for 5.99 no tax.
  10. Haha. Could very well be. It's OK, I'll just have to go outside and play today.
  11. This penis party's got to go! Hey hey, ho ho!
  12. Pretty much. And as I type this, it's right back on ESPN. Lol
  13. Actually now that I think about it, the only events I make an effort to watch in the summer games are swimming and sprinting and beach volleyball. I'm a winter Olympics kind of guy.
  14. If the Olympics were on ESPN as much as cross fit, I'd hate more of the events.
  15. All of the weightlifting.
  16. I hate Cross fit with the fire of a thousand suns. Working out is what you do to prepare for a sport. That's not the same thing as being a sport itself. The current "event" on ESPN right now is a 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 100 push ups and 100 squats. How is that an event? That's just going to the gym. Oh, and these guys can't do pull ups for ! Yeah, it's hard and requires endurance and strength. But I still think it sucks. /end rant. Sorry for offending the cross fitters.
  17. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/two-killed-least-six-injured-louisiana-theater-shooting-n397586 Here we go again. Edit: Theater shooting in Louisiana.
  18. Anyone read about this party that McCoy is having? Ladies only, 21+ only, must submit a picture, must sign confidentiality agreement, must provide all social media info. Hahaha, this guy is awesome. Live your life young man. Edit: http://deadspin.com/lesean-mccoy-bring-me-all-of-your-women-1719816903
  19. I can help with 2. Blood meal. Just sprinkle a bag of it on, around and over the bed. No critters will go near it. And it's good for your plants.
  20. Haha, nah, I'm just an unabashed braggart.
  21. It's alright dude, I got some Molson 3.0 I've been hanging on to since '94. I'll smuggle it in and we'll be all set.
  22. I can very conceivably be an empty nester by age 38. Given how kids live home into their early 20s now, I'm betting by 42 it will just be me and my smoking hot lady, all alone, all the time! Oh, and very little will happen to ROR. That's my bet. Normal people aren't forced away from their jobs for this incident, and I don't believe he will be either. The court will fine him. He'll do community service. No example will be made.
  23. Well, let's just worry about the roads in Pennsylvania then. I've driven in at least 20 states and Pennsylvania roads rival only the roads in post apocalyptic action movies.
  24. Just stab her in the chest with the needle already!
  25. It's borrowed. Can't remember where I heard it, but it's not quite original.
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