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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Ballgame
  2. Machado was a freaking monster out there.
  3. Way to work the count, NY. 8 pitches!
  4. You mean that one where he picked up a ring? Talk while you can, Met fan! :p
  5. Can't they go pick on another franchise. I mean think about it. The only sport with more white trash fans than football is NASCAR.
  6. ... Ok daily snark, we get it. Bills fans are white trash.... No need to pile on.
  7. Am easy vote fore Let Me Clear My Throat. Anything but swords. If there was ever a song that felt more forced, I don't know it.
  8. I am a better running back than Trent Richardson. He is quite literally and unarguably the worst back in the history of ever!
  9. He was drafted. Very unceremoniously, I might add.
  10. Awe.....i spend ten minutes in the bathroom every morning setting my line ups for both leagues. It's my only peaceful time of the day. I reject this new technology!
  11. So, I'd just like to say that this is always the most challenging fantasy hockey league that I am in every year. You guys really are great to play against. I win my money league at work, literally, every year. My win in SS gold 2 years ago is still my most satisfying. You guys really are the top 1%
  12. This makes me so, unbelievably happy. I may grow one too.
  13. Baseball is the greatest game ever invented.
  14. Good draft all. Best of luck to everyone.
  15. Pacing themselves.
  16. Cards win it all
  17. I'll be there. .... for whatever that's worth
  18. Who the hell still does coke? Typical NHL, still behind the times.
  19. Well if Joe Girardi were my boss, I'd likely be an alcoholic too. And laugh it up Met fan......while you can
  20. I am pleased with my team. I always like not having any players from my favorite teams on my fantasy teams.
  21. I'm working on it. Ugh, this sucks to do on my phone while trying not to get caught.
  22. How do I set my draft preference to NOT select Patrick Kane?
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