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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Just don't go leaving us like 26CB did, WildCard.
  2. 2004,sophomore year at UB, my student advisor lived next door. He was a senior and my booze connection. He was also a huge Sox fan. We went out for every Sox and Yankees game in that post season. Game 7 I stayed in. He returned to the floor, screaming "We did it, we did it!" the second the elevator doors opened. He then proceeded to drop me off a bottle of Jager and a bottle of goldschlager (my go to drinks of choice in college). It is, to this day the worst I've ever felt while drinking. And I'm a Bills fan!
  3. Having the story, perhaps? It's still first hand even if you don't remember it, right? If something legendary had happened, that person would always be able to say that they were there.
  4. I play at the WBS Penguins practice facility. You'll really enjoy it. It's so nice to have really good ice to play on. Only trouble for my is worrying about getting shot walking through the parking lot, as the rink is in the worst ghetto in Wilkes Barre. San Diego must be nicer lol.
  5. This. You stand in front of frozen rubber bullets. You're just above eating children beneath bridges. You're not allowed to score sick goals.
  6. My celly is always the sword sheath. I don't do the Max Pac twirl though. Just simple. But it hast to be simple when you can't dangle. I have 2 skills, I can skate and I can shoot. Do not, under any circumstances, allow me to handle the puck. I miss being able to play every week.
  7. I know,but I want it NOW! I GOT A FEVER! And the only prescription.....
  8. Good lord no! No one is allowed to criticize Rick, ever. Even when he confuses current players with players from yesteryear.
  9. Gee, I sure wish I could start my franchise in NHL 16. Hurry up with the goddamn Eichel update! Get your together EA! I'm stuck living the life playing D for Calgary, while I wait.
  10. Ovi doesn't even creep anymore. He just plants his big ass at the top of the circle while the PK drops into a small box and he just drops bombs on net. I'd love to see Jack score 4 or 5 of those this year. And then lots of nifty goals like yesterday.
  11. No Twitter war today. Eichel #3 on SC top 10.
  12. And fat!
  13. Nope. No Gino's, no apples, -1, 1 hit, 1 block. I'm thinking this won't last.....
  14. My dog is a chick magnet. My wife is not...It's a good thing that I like my wife! Seriously though, everyone stops me to ask about my dog. "awe! What is he? He looks just like a little fox! Can I pet him?" My dog rocks. Oh and qwk, you're a great family person. You've got lots of time for school. Keep doing your thing and you'll be a lot happier in the long run.
  15. Someone needs to be upfront with Rick about it if this continues. But maybe he's just out of practice because he hasn't had to call a goal for a great player playing for the Sabres since..... God knows when....
  16. I think Bucci shows us some love. He's a hockey guy. This football game blows, and I haven't seen many defensive plays in the playoff games today.
  17. I've never tweeted before. But this seems like a worthy cause.
  18. If it doesn't make the top 3 plays of sportscenter top 10 then I'm going to start a twitter war with ESPN.
  19. That was a freaking blast.
  20. 1 sacrifice all season for Harvey,and he K's anyway. Send him up swinging.
  21. Watching Matt Harvey try to bunt is painful! Jesus Christ, you've played baseball your entire life and you can't lay down a bunt? It is literally the easiest thing to do in the entire game. If you suck that badly at it, you might as well go up hacking.
  22. Uh oh, someone woke up the sticks in the middle of the Cubs lineup. Bryant and Rizzo going DEEP!
  23. Sabres Power Play is putting in work!
  24. PK not clearing the net.... At all!
  25. I couldn't hear him. I was too busy screaming like an 11 year old girl.
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