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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Good call, Roman. After a timeout, no less.
  2. Sammy had him
  3. Hasn't that been, like, his thing?
  4. Is it windy as ? What is the deal with tyrod not being able to throw deep?
  5. Have no fear, this is coming.
  6. I was once where you are. Soon, your pain will turn into passive aggressive snark. Then you will move into total apathy.
  7. Nice tackle, Graham.
  8. I watched it 3 more times. He had heat, yes indeed. But he had a big 5 or 6 yard window to fit that ball.
  9. That ball had waaaay too much air under it.
  10. And another pass costs the bills 6
  11. Bad throw cost the bills 6
  12. My wife spends approximately ten billion dollars per year on fusion 5 razor blades. I signed and dated my last purchase of shaving gel and razor. 11/5/14. I'm on the same blade and I'm about halfway through the shave gel. I won't change the blade until I cut myself.
  13. We may not complete 10 passes all night. Taylor is lost in the pocket tonight, so far.
  14. I made 30 bucks last night betting Pre-snap what plays would have penalties. This sport really sucks now.
  15. I'm shocked! Shocked, I say! The pats scored on their first possession.
  16. Nope, not gonna do it. No red blooded American man will ever walk into a room and say "Jesus H. Christ! I'm sweating my balls off! It must be 45 degrees in here!" Triple digits! That's hot. :p
  17. 48-17. Book it. This one will be ugly.
  18. I've never paid 20 dollars to have a garbanzo bean on my face.
  19. Fair enough. This is how we see it. https://www.google.com/search?q=new+yorkers+map+of+us&oq=new+Yorkers+ma&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.12302j0j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=jgSZL4AN0thE_M%3A
  20. And this reminds me of why the wife and I no longer play bar league beach volleyball. I've improved a lot in the last 10 years, but I will never take losing well. Nope, never! I don't even let my son win at Monopoly. Earn it, kid!
  21. This isn't even wrong....... But it's just so goddamn depressing!
  22. I don't know sizzle. Ennis likes to stick handle himself onto an island at least once a period. I think that's what most complaints are about. He hits the line with speed and before he knows it, he has taken the puck to the right circle and is turning back up to the blue line because he's surround by the wrong color sweaters. If he manages to dance through that clusterf--- that he skates himself into then he gets off a highlight reel shot/goal. But most of the time the puck ends up coming out of the zone and headed into ours.
  23. The Pacific is ok. I own both that and Band of Brothers. I watch Band of Brothers every year over about a 2 day period. I've seen The Pacific once.
  24. Yeah, awful song.
  25. Yeah, that song was bad. Does it unseat Jack White and Alicia Keys, though? Daniel Craig's Bond has had two of the best songs in You Know My Name and Skyfall. He definitely owns the two worst.
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