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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Are you kidding me? It's Alex Smith!!!! !!!!!
  2. Carpenter was like the second coming of Steve Christie last year. This year he's poppy.
  3. I'm thinking more likely due to the wet ball more than the shoulder. I hope Sammy
  4. Mike Carey just said it should have been ruled incomplete. Since Mike Carey is in sync with the refs on the field 0% if the time, we saved a challenge.
  5. That's how its done!
  6. Alright, no Justin Houston. Let's go!
  7. This is correct. Also, Yeichel is the worst call of all time.
  8. ubkev

    Laptop advice

    My laptop is shot also. I'm doing a full factory image reset now. Hopefully this will bring it back to being useable until I buy my new all in one in February. I got 4 good years out of it and 2 useless years. Hoss, how long do you plan on having your new laptop? I know your budget is tight, but you do get what you pay for with computers. Oh, and for what it's worth, my wife's HP lasted about a year longer than my Dell. Update: Factory Image reset appears to have worked like a charm. First post from my laptop in over a year. Computer is running like new.
  9. Stafford looks like a freaking hall of famer today.
  10. Amazon instant video has it for free if you have an Amazon Prime membership. Check it out, you'll like it.
  11. This is Marvel's thing. "Hey, we're out of movies until the next Avengers sequel, what should we do?" 'Let's take a character that pretty much, no one knows and do a movie about him.' Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the least read comic books ever. But if you slap Marvel on something, people will go see it. Now, Guardians turned out to be a lot of fun, and I liked it. But that doesn't mean marvel isn't just throwing at the wall and seeing what sticks.
  12. ubkev


    As a workaholic, I will be at work tonight. So my wife, son and I celebrated Thanksgiving on Monday. It was awesome! A beautiful spiral ham (we don't particularly like turkey), mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli casserole, green bean casserole, stuffing, chocolate pie (for me), Dutch apple pie (for them), deviled eggs and dinner rolls hot from the oven. And I still have left overs to kill today! I'm spending today alone, as my son had to go to NY to spend thanksgiving with his biological father, and my wife will be at my parents house eating with my family (lucky!) But that's OK, because I have my dogs, Thanksgiving football, and awesome left overs! The house will be quiet today, but I still have an amazing family to be thankful for. Oh and you guys and gals are awesome, too. Happy Thanksgiving.
  13. You're not the only one. I hate defense.
  14. Read the date again. I haven't bought blades or gel for over a year.
  15. So we're going 0-fer the rest of the season then?
  16. I'm a firm baseball, then hockey, then football guy. I'm pretty sure I'm moving football down the list. This sport sucks.
  17. He couldn't go down field. He was throwing at 10% strength. That's on Rex for not going to EJ.
  18. That's a catch
  19. What are the odds that Taylor has a fractured Collarbone?
  20. I'm in stitches over here!
  21. We don't have a different QB.
  22. I need 4 Charles Clay receptions. I'm losing by 3 in fantasy. This is all I care about at this point.
  23. I'm glad D4rk,woody and myself are all in the same mental place with regards to this game.
  24. Come on! that's funny, right there!
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