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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. So my workplace cafeteria generally themes out the holiday meals. Tonight, General Tso's Chicken and Beef and Broccoli. .... They're trolling us, right?
  2. So, I've been on the rag(figuratively, of course) all week and I'm curious to know weather or not my enjoyment of Star Wars suffered from it. I'm in a much better mood now and am going to hit up a matinee showing tomorrow. The boy wasn't nuts about it either, but he agreed to go with me again and give it another shot.
  3. Meh, didn't like it. I hope/think I will like the next one better.
  4. In about 20 hours I'll finally be able to click on the star wars thread again! This feels like Christmas is coming early! I may not sleep tonight.
  5. Sammy Watkins takes on leadership role: "We need to forget about anybody’s feelings. We need to call people out' - BN Blitz (via http://ble.ac/teamstream-)http://teamstre.am/1QDArkq Sammy talking a good game here. Is he right or wrong?
  6. Cortland Finnegan is a mastermind. He gets WRs to lose their all the time! Great trash talker.
  7. Saw him drop one long TD pass. What else?
  8. Lol at none of us giving a that the bills just scored.
  9. Flagg made my next point. What happens when the bills lose to inferior teams because of injuries and phantom calls? Do we get to count them differently? Or am I being silly because there are no teams inferior to the bills?
  10. You play the games that are on the schedule. It's not the bills problem that the pats benched everyone. Every win is worth the same in the W column. Anyway does it matter? The team still sucks. The can't score from the 1 on 4 plays.
  11. More like kidnapping. The Bills have been doing to my Sundays for the last 16 years.
  12. EJ is a beast Look its GA Tech
  13. Unstoppable!
  14. Good pass to Graham there.
  15. You're going!? But I just got here!
  16. I've been outside playing catch. So, what'd I miss? Edit: 21-0.......oh......
  17. I couldn't even tell you how much gas costs per gallon. I bet I couldn't get within 50 cents. I just fill the tank and leave. I think it costs somewhere between 35 and 45 bucks. I just guessed 2.80/gallon, then looked it up. It's 2.12.
  18. I don't know if I've got rose colored glasses for that era because of the Yankees. I love offense, in every sport! I love high scoring games. I think its fun. Those Yankees weren't even built on the dinger. They were built around a bunch of 25-35 HR guys like Paul O'Neill, Bernie Williams and Tino Martinez and a couple of very good table setters in Knoblauch and Jeter. Those guys were worth their weight in gold, and I'm not sure if any of them ever hit 45 homers in a season. The country was completely captivated by the home run race of 1998. TBS interrupted my viewing of Under Siege to cut to the at bat when Mac hit #62. My friends and I would imitate every long ball hitters batting stance while playing wiffle ball. I learned to hit left handed so that I could be like Ken Griffey Jr. To me, that era was absolutely incredible and I'm very happy I got to grow up watching that. We can agree to disagree. That's fine. I don't expect everyone to share my views. I don't think there are very many things that could taint baseball for me. I can't speak for the cycling. I can't watch 80 guys go for a bike ride for 3 hours. Oh....chicks dig the long ball!
  19. This thread is f###### awesome! Thanks MODO! You are also f###### awesome!
  20. It's pronounced Yerro Fevar.
  21. Oh, you're just saying that because his hair is black!
  22. I thought DoFP was awesome. I waited like 2 years to see first class though, because I thought the premise was dumb. I was wrong. Loved it.
  23. True, but by making the choice themselves or having the choice made for them by the country they lived in, the balance was still skewed. And! The pitchers Ruth and Cobb faced only threw heat! That's ridiculous. Seriously, almost all of the pitches they got were fastballs. I remember reading an article about Pete Rose and his hitting streak of 40 some odd games coming to an end. Pete was livid and called out the pitcher for only throwing him junk all game and bit giving him a single heater. Anyways, I'm off on a tangent now and I forgot where I was going with this. Put em all in the hall! It's my favorite Museum on earth! It's my church, and they deserve to be in there!
  24. And I say good for him! I miss roids in baseball. WildCard is a bit too young to remember just how truly awesome the steroid Era was to watch. Meanwhile all the players in the 70s and 80s were blowing coke and taking amphetamines. Pitchers were doing the same thing the hitters were doing. Does that not make the playing field level? Back in the day of Ruth and Cobb there were no black or Latino players. The numbers are skewed in every Era of baseball for one reason or another. I disagree with people being banned from baseball on this premise.
  25. If I didn't get off on "negotiating" with directv for free Sunday Ticket every year then I wouldn't even watch. But if I have the option to watch, I have to! It's a sickness.
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