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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. I started when I was 4. I skied every day, all winter long from then until I was about 19. Saturday and Sunday, 9am-9pm. Monday through Friday 5pm-9pm. No lie, every day. It was all I ever wanted to do. I was once a highly competitive alpine racer, and then when I learned that gravity didn't apply to me I stopped racing and started jumping.
  2. I hated the fact that the first 2 days if it were on my days off. But I loved that work had to pay me for the rest of it. Mine was a 4 day process. I got myself removed from the jury pool because the nature of the case was pretty much the one thing I didn't want to be a part of (child porn case). It was basically just a waste of 4 days and I got paid. Not a bad gig.
  3. Yeah, that's tough. My mom is a skier, but not like the boys in the family. Lots of times we would go on day trips to Gore or Whiteface without her. She always went to all my races though. I don't ski very often now because my wife is not a snow person and my son never wanted to ski. I still sneak away from time to time though.
  4. Get her on skis at age 3 or 4. Don't waste time. Get her lessons and you'll be ready for Vermont or Colorado by the time she's 6 or 7. Man, skiing is awesome.
  5. Duh #merica
  6. Seriously, this is where it's at! Drinking on the train is the best!
  7. "The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese!" Great movie.
  8. I forgot my phone at home yesterday when I went to work. Anyone I told reacted like I just told them that I had cancer. What has this information age done to us? I think I'm going to leave my phone at home again today.
  9. Christ, I'm bored. My wife has been working her new job for a couple months now. 8-4, every other weekend, pretty standard hours for her industry. But that leaves me home all by my damn self all day long. Don't get me wrong, it's very nice to be alone with my thoughts, sometimes. But holy hell am I bored. I can only workout, watch sportscenter, and take the dogs out so many times.
  10. I just got invited to the April show in Philly!
  11. Ohhh, you're the guy that's never seen a television before.
  12. This team plays such shït defense. It's awful.
  13. Hahaha, what the fuçk?
  14. So much for the local guys being better than the national guys.
  15. Ok, that was sick!
  16. Nice pickup in front, Rangers. Oh, and good lift, Z
  17. Nice pickup in front, Evander.
  18. I can vouch for MattPie about the plows. It's almost as if Pennsylvania hasn't been located in the north east for the past couple hundred years. Seriously, there are no plows.
  19. I saw Nas live in 03. Lil Kim opened. She sucked, he killed it. I'm more of a gangsta rap guy, though.
  20. Ink, you and I have a lot in common. A lot. But it was a tin of grizzly in my back pocket.
  21. Ha, awesome. My boys are mad that there still isn't any snow here. Anytime we get a dusting, it's gone in a couple hours.
  22. What kind of dog? I've got 2 Shiba Inu that absolutely adore the snow. They just plow through it and never want to come back inside.
  23. Huh, seems to me I've become a lightweight. One glass of Larceny and I'm half in the bag. Now I admit, I don't have the sommelier skills that we've has. However, I do have a very sophisticated rating scale. It goes something like this. Like it. Don't like it. Larceny: Like it.
  24. Thanks Potato. That just made me play this at about a million decibels.
  25. I had the game on 3 TV's at work. I have successfully made over 100 people hate hockey. That game sucked!
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