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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. More like men who haven't showered in 3 days and women who just gave a hummer for $20 in the family bathroom and 200 Heineken drinking, duty free smoking Vietnamese and Chinese baccarat players spitting on the floor.
  2. I'm a f'ing taco bell connoisseur! I may join you on this venture. Can't be, Bill Hicks never did a Taco Bell bit for him to steal. :p
  3. I agree with this. I started agreeing with this 2 years ago. Agreeing with this sucks.
  4. Good for you, we've!
  5. Ew....just ew.
  6. Thanks JJ. I'm probably on some sort of list after watching that!
  7. I have a buddy who keeps bees. He just got into making honey and bees wax chap stick. It's pretty darn good. He recently decided to make a honey vodka with his honey. So he infused Tito's vodka with his honey for a certain amount of time, I can't remember how long. Anyways, it was finally ready for consumption today. Holy hell, that was the perfect end to a very long Saturday night at work! I hate vodka, but for something he made, I was willing to try it. It was awesome! His next project is making his own vodka....im very interested.
  8. I fu##ing love Eagle Rare. I've got 7 or 8 more bourbons to try out, but this might seriously become my house bottle.
  9. And that's why wedding cakes are f'n gross!
  10. Pie guy here! Dislike almost all cakes. LOVE spice cake! Spice cake is my birthday cake. And no icing. Load that bitch up with confectionery sugar and I'll go to town on it. I also bake a tres leches(3 milks) cake, it's a Latin recipe. I've got friends from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic who absolutely love it. My wife and kid love it. Me, meh. The first slice is bangin, but after that, I'm done. It's too freaking heavy and sweet for me to eat any more of.
  11. Jagr would have had 2000 by now if he didn't leave for Russia, and have 2 lockouts during his career. Edit: Wait...3 lockouts!
  12. Complaint 2: the new Ghostbusters trailer.
  13. So we're not in disagreement. I'm pretty sure we agree almost completely. It's being presented as the only way, and that's crap.
  14. I think this is my main beef with it. It's 1 thinking method. Just 1. At work to come up with solutions we have several people all of whom will probably use a differing method on the same problem in a race to see who can come up with the answer the fastest. My question/complaint is why eliminate a previous method in favor of a new one and punish students for correct answers that they arrived at via a different method. Is it as simple as teaching to the test? I don't know...
  15. I will never tell any of my date stories on here, for fear of being banned. On to my complaint. How they teach math today is just freaking awful. Awful, I say! They have to show their work, but they can't use a direct route to solve the problem. 38 + 52 =/= 90. It equals 40 + 50 - 2 + 2. What the F? That's stupid. If you have to show your work why not just stack the numbers and add them directly? And don't get me started on how they are teaching percentages. Thank God my wife has the patience to deal with this. I do math in my head for a living, and this blows my mind. For the record, I have a good friend who is a math teacher who insists that this way is much better than how we were taught. I'm still not buying it. Who knows? I had a math tutor from 3rd grade til graduation.
  16. Well that took about 4 hours too long to get settled. On the phone with PayPal, they were great. On the phone with my bank, they were great. Internet chat with playstation was like pulling teeth and I had to freak out in order to get them to agree to refund my money instead of just giving me a store credit. Store credit, my ass! Like I'm going to give playstation any of my money ever again
  17. My PSN account has been hijacked! So far 2 fraudulent purchases of 49.99 have been made on my account. I tried logging in to playstation last night to delete my PayPal account and it said an error had occurred. I just got an email telling me my PSN password and information had been changed. So now I cannot log in at all! And the Playstation and PayPal office don't open until 8am and 6am PACIFIC TIME! I'm in deep sh!t
  18. Netflix just emailed me and told me they added a movie that I might like. After tonight, and the Sabres sacking, I needed some good news. The movie? Unforgiven F### YES!
  19. This was me today. Just a rotten, awful, no good day. And i didn't even work! I knew going into this hockey game that my mood would not improve. ....but hey, silver lining! The Yankees play tomorrow!!! .........it'll get rained out
  20. Are you mad as heck, and not gonna take it anymore?
  21. Atodaso, I'm pessimistic when I'm drunk.
  22. I haven't bought Center Ice(or haggled to get it for free) for 2 years. The "improvement" we've seen throughout the year makes me think that I won't be buying it again next year. We blow...
  23. Sens and Blues just when 21 shooters without a goal in the shootout. Berglund wins it on shooter 22. It was like watching every Sabres shootout this year with the other teams dubbed out.
  24. I'm more pessimistic when I'm drinking. I probably shouldn't post anymore tonight. Drunk, after a Sabres loss tonight and a 'Cuse loss to NC last night and I'm 100% on the rag.
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