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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Go Orange!
  2. Yes, but I don't count, as I just woke up at 2.
  3. And then he lays an egg in the 4th lol.
  4. I love college hoops and hate the NBA. What Steph Curry is doing this season is pretty freaking miraculous. That dude is out of this world.
  5. I'm OK with it. Middle Tennessee is a better match up for Syracuse. I just would have preferred to win money.
  6. Bracket, officially busted! Nobody had MSU losing today.
  7. I'm more confused as to why the Griswold children were played by so my different people.
  8. Dear Michigan St. Please take your heads our of your and stop ruining my bracket! Sincerely, Me
  9. I had to urban dictionary it. Never heard it before.
  10. The joint would shut down if I weren't here! :p And yes.....yes I am! I've called in twice in the past 2 years. I'm due.
  11. Almost 20% of my work staff called in tonight. I kinda knew it was coming, being the first day of the tournament and all. They were all drunk by noon today. I work in the laziest, drunkest industry of all time. Christ, I miss having no responsibilities! I'm not mad that they called in, I'm mad that I'm here!
  12. Is it on the schools though? Not disagreeing, just asking. My home economics class taught us how to balance our check books and how to sew (by hand and machine). We had a very large and functional kitchen and I don't believe we ever used it once in my one semester of Home Ec. My parents taught me how to cook. I used to grate the cheese for my mom for pizza on Saturdays and for lasagna. I started doing that when I was 10. My dad taught me how to dehydrate venison for jerkey. Christmas of 2008 my parents made me a recipe book filled with all the foods they made for us, growing up. Isn't cooking mostly, if not entirely derived from family? PS: Was that post smacking of "Chet"? I know my wife likes to call me Clarence (from 8 Mile, last battle rap) when I talk about my parents and childhood.
  13. I just got a letter from the school board. It states: Due to Pennsylvanias inability to pass a budget (due June of 2015, yep 2015) our school district cannot meet any of its financial needs and will be forced to close in mid May. This is because Pennsylvania elected a democratic governor and has a Republican house of Representatives and neither side will pass anything proposed by the other. What a bunch of douche bags. I'm fairly certain that no schools will close, but still, this is stupid.
  14. I was gonna go here next.
  15. Except now when you Tom Hanks that kid, you get sent to prison.
  16. Exactly, it's much, much worse. It's where the boys get to behave like the boys. Like I said, no teammates would have complained publicly, but I can guarantee that they didn't all appreciate a little kid in their clubhouse every day. Someone said something, and the Sox told him to tone it back. Then he took his ball and went home.
  17. Yep. You can't bring your kid to work everyday. It's disrespectful to your coworkers.
  18. Can't bring your kid to work everyday. It's rude to your teammates. Now, every teammate would disagree publicly with this, but come on. Having a 14 year old in the clubhouse 100% of the time is ridiculous.
  19. Adam Laroche just retired because the White Sox told him not to bring his kid into the clubhouse so much. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2016/03/16/adam-laroche-retires-over-family-dispute-white-sox/81871856/ I'm with the White Sox on this one.
  20. I was coaching in Omaha in 1948. Eddie Shore sends me this guy......
  21. Why did the hipster burn his mouth on his coffee? .... He drank it before it was cool
  22. And all of which have Syracuse in.
  23. I still miss the Big East.
  24. Someone's bitter.
  25. Now I may still be drunk, but I read it as though the Devils fan was the one who did the murdering. Can a 3rd party confirm or deny?
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