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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Oh and a rusty train bridge, in the pouring down rain! The scenery is a touch different in northeast Pennsylvania :P
  2. The top one is the Susquehanna River. The bottom one is the river flood control lands. Can any of you smart guys and girls explain to me what that rust looking stuff is? Is it just rust from the flood controls?
  3. Dee Gordon just got popped for 80 games for testing positive for something. I hate drug testing in professional sports.
  4. So our pick needs shoulder surgery already? That sounds about right.
  5. You're welcome!
  6. We will take 0 of them.
  7. Book it!
  8. Man, these suits are off the chain! These boys been pimpin since been pimpin! I love it!
  9. OK, I know everyone has driving complaints and that we have pretty much played them all out....but anyways People who have the right of way, and then proceed to stop dead in traffic and waive you out of your stop sign so that you can turn. They stop, forcing the 12 cars behind them to stop and they are like "tee hee, it's OK for you to go now, wave wave" Well you! You go! That was dangerous for you and every car behind you. And I don't care how good and noble you feel about letting me turn out, you're wrong and you're an ! Yep, I responded to someone trying to do what they felt was a nice thing to do for me by calling them an . I'm an .
  10. Seriously! My dogs are way higher maintenance than my kid. Honestly, the dogs prevent me from doing things... The kid, not so much. Your 16 months away from 3. After that you'll be riding a gravy train with biscuit wheels!
  11. Come on guys. It's not that hard to raise children :p I have raised my 12 year old since he was a wee lad of 3. It's basically just trips to the principal's office, trips to the hospital, trips to the rink, trips to basketball, trips to baseball and family game night where he gets swindled by his mother in monopoly (if I never saw a monopoly board again....Christ, I hate that game!) It's endless common sense questions that we all take for granted that they legitimately don't know. Then then it's endless questions that they already know the answer to! Children love to hear themselves speak, especially when you want silence! They make you wonder why on earth anyone would ever want kids, and then they make you wish that they would never change. Kids are one big paradox. 3 was the perfect age of a child for me to begin parenthood. They can already walk, they're heads aren't squishy, you don't really have to worry about them ruining your sleep all that much....oh,and I've never changed a diaper in my life! Ha! :p
  12. They are trying to be like the TSN anchors. Or so my Canadian coworker says.
  13. Soccer logo
  14. As long as they know. :p
  15. Me. I have the right of way. And even if I don't, I'm going! Kinda like a 4 way stop. I just punch it and fly through while the other 3 people do that stop, start, stop, start, no you go, OK I'll go, no you go, thing.
  16. I see I'm holding down my spot, firmly atop......the 3rd page. I'm so good at NCAA hoops brackets, and I'm so flipping bad at NHL hockey brackets.
  17. 7.6 mile trail ride in the rain. I'm covered in mud and I can't feel my legs. This is either awesome or its some sort of medieval torture. One of these days I'll post some pictures.
  18. Allegedly, Napoleon had very tall (for the time) bodyguards, who always surrounded him. He was affectionately called "Le Petit Caporel" http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/03/napolean-bonaparte-having-been-short-is-a-myth/
  19. I see an old Asian guy, an old black guy and Richard Nixon. There's a joke here, somewhere.
  20. Is the NFL going to exist in 20 years? Or will the lawsuits and people deciding not to play have forced the league out by then?
  21. I think it'd be cool to see all non NHLers in the Olympics again. It would give us new players to talk about potentially signing for a couple of weeks, at least.
  22. Adam Sandler seems to be poorly received on Sabrespace. Just Go With It was funny, That's My Boy was hilarious. And You Don't Mess With the Zohan is so ridiculously, stupidly funny that I almost peed myself. Looking forward to The Do-Over.
  23. Forgot how to post it from my phone from photobucket.
  24. I bought my new bike today. GT. Took it for a spin along the susquehanna river for about 10 miles. Verdict: the bike is dope! And I'm out of shape! My legs are a mixture of jello and spaghetti. Standing for 8 hours at work tonight should be fun. Going for another river ride tomorrow afternoon with my boy. He makes me feel good, because I'm still faster than he is! But he's only 11. I'm sure he'll catch up to me soon.
  25. Didn't the sharks beat the kings 3-1 in the season series? Oh and whoo! 29th place!
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