It's just like riding I usually look forward to the amazing inner thigh bruise that develops once I've decided that walking is too slow and I take the horse to a full gallop through a trail ride. About halfway through, I realize that, "hey moron! You're not a cowboy! You should probably slow down."
Here's a view of that rusty old train bridge from the trails on the other side of the river. They were nice and muddy and my son and I had a blast. He was a trooper on his BMX bike.
Up close and personal on the river. Makes you feel small.
The trees finally have leaves, the lawns can finally be mowed, and the ponds are no longer frozen.
Anyone see the Scott's Turfbuilder commercial with the little psycho in the devil costume? Yeah, that kid has "serial killer" written alllllll over him.
What a disturbing child.
Really? Do they break the blinker stick off the steering column when they sell a car in Pennsylvania? And where is the drivers ed class I can go to that teaches you to never ever get in the right lane on the highway?