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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. To all the Sabrespace dads. Enjoy your day.
  2. I love those things. I give them to my wife to use when we put together the thing that they came with, while I use the power tools.
  3. I got promoted. Don't know what the pay raise will be yet, or if it involves a shift change, but I got promoted. Pretty happy with that.
  4. Is bringing him in to the SPCA to see if he's got a chip an option? Had a dog jump in my car once after I saw him wandering around a busy intersection on my way to work. I brought him in and he was returned to his family that night.
  5. Game over.
  6. Ah, optimism! Good! Let's have some of that, then! Zemgus gets his RFA deal, remembers how to play hockey again and the Sabres make valuable off season acquisitions.
  7. That too. We don't have 7 forwards to protect.
  8. ...and then expose him in the expansion draft Kidding. I was looking at the roster on www.generalfanager.com and I am having a reaaaally hard time protecting 7 forwards. I protect ROR and Kane. Then I protect Zemgus, Ennis, Foligno, and Larsson. But then who? Nic D? Gionta?
  9. Guys, for my bachelor party, let's hire Matthew Barnaby to be our Designated Driver!
  10. It's essentially a silicone spray paint, like a flex seal but for trees.
  11. Saw the picture before I read it and went "oh cool, the spine from Lake LaSalle." Haven't been there for 11 years and it still feels like yesterday. Good times.
  12. Oh, don't you tease me! I haven't had a dip in something like 6 months, and this sounds freaking delicious! Spent today sweating in the back yard. Laying down new mulch, and trimming the hedges. The bitch of it is, they aren't even my hedges! Damn neighbors trees growing through and over my fence. Whelp, they're gone now! Now I have to swing by Home Depot to pick up some of that pruning sealant to keep them from coming back every year. It's a damn fine day to be working outside! Beer me!
  13. Anything in particular? I watched with my son, so I was explaining a lot of things. I wasn't paying much attention to the crowd until they exited early.
  14. Look at all those people leaving early. That's just shameful.
  15. Kyrie just said "Yeah, we're playing one more!"
  16. Kevin Love sucks so bad! Seriously, what happened after UCLA? That's a serious question, as I don't watch the NBA.
  17. The NBA can eat a big bag of.....as far as I'm concerned. But this is a really good game. Seriously, I turned off baseball to watch pro basketball and I don't hate myself for it.
  18. There are 24 house to be used in each day, you're only 2 behind. Suck it up! :p Glad your back, hope you can stay.
  19. Awesome, Whiskey! Stick around, would ya?
  20. Football: 5 minutes of actual play per 60 minutes. Baseball: 9 innings of non stop awesomeness!
  21. It was this. But anyway, on bat flips: You flip the bat on a walk off, great. You win, everyone goes home. You flip the bat in the middle of the game, you're taking 95mph to your numbers. I know it wasn't brought up, but closers celebrating has rubbed "purists" the wrong way too. I don't get that. They just struck out the side to nail down the game, they're allowed to be jacked up. Umpires who don't let the pitchers police the game irritate me. You hit my cleanup batter with a fastball when he's got 3 RBI and I'm damn sure gonna hit yours. The umps that toss players or dish out warnings before the other team gets their comeuppance are some of the reason that things get dragged out to the next time teams see each other. Let them settle it on that day so we can get on with the season. I've been thrown at, and I've throw at hitters. It's the game. When you get hit, you smile and call the pitcher a rag arm. When you hit a guy, you ask him if he wants your autograph on the bruise. Baseball is awesome!
  22. So, I've been riding my bike for a little over 2 months now. Man, it feels so freaking good just to be active again! I had gotten pretty lazy over the last 2 years when my work schedule changed and i couldn't play hockey anymore. I just stopped doing everything. I'd play softball on Sunday afternoons, but i would only go about once every 3 weeks, and I'd feel awful after. My body was a wreck from decades of punishment that I put it through (Baseball, all summer, every year from age 10-19, skiing all winter long from age 4-21, tried to get on the X-Games roster. Football in junior high and high school, kung fu, boxing, I haven't been kind to my body.) Everything would hurt after 2 hours of slow pitch softball. That shouldn't happen at 29 years old. Now that I'm actually doing something again, my body doesn't hurt at all, and I'm playing better! I've always been able to hit, but my fielding had gone to sh!t! I didn't want to bend over. Now I'm diving all over the field, and my range factor is improved by like 200%! It feels good not to be a lazy, fat f*** anymore. I owe a lot of it to this thread. I used to be completely self driven, and I had fallen out of that in favor of doing nothing. I knew i was being lazy, i just didn't care. I justified it by using my family as an excuse not to do things. Now, i take them with me. I've been feeling damn good lately! Thanks, guys and girls.
  23. Funny movie, underrated. I might watch it tonight.
  24. Ahhh, true. But still...
  25. I thought the wolverine scene was in line with Stryker fishing Wolverine out of the drink in Day's of Future Past in 1973. Because even though we see Logan talking to Charles at the end about all that he needs to be caught up on, that was set in present day and X-Men Apocalypse takes place in 1983. So Wolverine should be in the lab at Alkali Lake as part of the Weapon X program.
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