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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Just don't combine the two of them.
  2. This just in! Bouncing on a trampoline is fun. No , Sherlock! :p
  3. This I know. And it's nice, but still, I'll go pick it up. Gives me an excuse to sing in my car. Plus if I can't order online(which I know is a thing, I just don't/haven't take advantage of it) I really don't wanna leave my CC number with someone over the phone...
  4. I've personally ordered delivery, I think, 3 times in my life. The reason, I never have cash! Ever! So they are marketing to me. ... It's not working. Digorno is easily the worst frozen pizza on earth! Tombstone, represent! ...yes I'm aware that frozen pizza is a step above garbage, but that's only if you think of it as food. If you think of it as snack food or junk food, then it's passable.
  5. My regular order is a beefy 5 layer burrito, 2 double decker tacos and a Mexican pizza. I like to have one double decker with Verde sauce, and one with Diablo. For the beefy 5 layer I mix a bunch of the sauces and dip it. Never had any problems. :p
  6. Suicide Squad: meh....thats about all I got. Quickly forgotten, absolutely nothing special. DC keeps reminding me that they are Marvel's bitch. My 12 year old loved it, though.
  7. My wife really liked force Awakens. She has never allowed me to show her a single star wars movie, and she basically tagged along with my son and I so she would have something to do. She came out of the theater, pretty impressed with it. My son, who was 11 at the time, liked it but he did mention that he thought it wasn't as good as the originals(thats my boy!) I thought it was OK. It was fun, to be sure. I was not a fan of the temper tantrum throwing, Darth Emo. But I do understand that there is a ton of room for them to build off of it. This one feels like it's gonna be cool.
  8. I'm pretty pumped for this one. I was pretty lukewarm on The Force Awakens. I've got higher hopes for Rogue One.
  9. This is what my wife used to do. She took care of 3 developmentally disabled men for 2 years. She loved it! She loved going to work everyday. She wants to get back into it but now she's a personal care aid for a retirement village/assisted living/nursing facility, and she loves that too. It takes a pretty damn good person to do that work, Qwk! You'll love it. Good luck!
  10. Zemgus for Barrie and Landeskog! Book it!
  11. You're welcome.
  12. If you have to ask, then ya can't afford it. Beerfest! Man, Beerfest! Come on, LGR would have gotten that.
  13. ....$15 for a ZJ.
  14. Hey! These are the Olympics! I don't give a about any other country! Unless of course they are the chosen to fall at the feet of our mighty athletes! .....that was only like maybe half serious. OK, maybe a little more than half. :p
  15. Ahem...and where are the Americans? Hmmm? Hmmm? On a serious note, those are pretty sweet.
  16. So, I'm curious too. I'm not from Buffalo, I've got teams in other cities around NY. We call em seasons, everywhere I know of. What else would they be called? Oh, I've never owned seasons, but the term is not unfamiliar to me.
  17. He name is Lilly King, and Tim Murray loves how much she hates Russians!
  18. Ha! Suck it, Russian cheater!
  19. Hahaha. I reserve the right to change my original 6-10 prediction. I'm thinking 4-12, these days.
  20. Watched the whole video, Sizzle. It was fascinating. I'd like to hear D4rk's thoughts on it, as I know he's big into solar power.
  21. LOL, let it go, Hoss. ink hates the Yankees, alot!
  22. Damn, I forgot about my summers as a farm boy, picking garlic. That was some brutal work. Bent over in the muck for 10 hours in 95 degree CNY summer heat! In pants! Got paid 300 bucks a week though. When you're 15/16 that's some serious bank!
  23. I'm still on PS3. I haven't had a reason to get ps4 yet. I probably won't do it until MLB The Show stops making the game for ps3 and makes me get a psycho. I feel like the NHL series has completely stopped progressing. I used to buy it every single year. I think I've played it out.
  24. Big market for secondhand lingerie in your neck of the Commonwealth, PA?
  25. Both tanning and tennis were, as Maverick would say "target rich environment(s)"
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