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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. What padding? His upper body looks like he's wearing lacrosse gear.
  2. This is what fans do. It's not a knock against anyone. It's just what they do. There wasn't a soul in Pittsburgh saying "ya know what we gotta do? We gotta hire that Omar Epps looking dude, he'll be great!" They always want the name brand. So what if he hasn't coached in a decade. He keeps his tin of skoal on the news desk right next to his coffee cup during a live broadcast. That's good enough for me. Lol
  3. You too? Good, I thought I was the only one.
  4. For the record, Twitter's live stream is awesome! And also, the Bills suck.
  5. Hmm, I can't get the game up on my phone. Anyone? I'm not going to be able to now that I don't have Verizon anymore, am I? Probably a blessing. All it will do is piss me off.
  6. Your step dad is a better man than I am. I never speak ill of my sons father to my son. I hold it all inside. When my boy was younger it was more difficult, but now it's getting easier. He's 12 now and it seems like his father has been knocked off of the pedestal. He used to be all "my dad, my dad, my dad...." I'm a shallow person, and that made my blood boil! But I held it in. Now he starts stories with "back when my dad was a good dad..." and part of me is sad for him, and part of me wants to high five him while doing a back flip because he's realizing what a piece of that guy is. But I hold all that in too. I never show any emotion one way or another towards his dad. But when that guy gets mentioned, or the phone rings those 2 times a month, the inside of my head turns into a swirling ball of rage. I always leave the room. I take the dogs outside, something to get me out of there before I let something slip. ... I don't know, your step dad sounds like a good guy, is all I'm saying....before I go into another rambling rage.
  7. Racist grandparents: Totally not safe for work! Starts at about the 1:15 mark of the video. This pretty much mirrors my experiences with the elderly.
  8. Starting grave shift Wednesday morning at 2am. I CAN WATCH HOCKEY AGAIN!!!!! YES!!!!
  9. Utica Club gives me a headache after 3 beers. UC Light does not. Genny and Genny light have no adverse effect on my body. Genny Cream forces my wife to force me to sleep in another room ;) I only do shots of Jägermeister, or goldschlager, or wisniowka or the like. I prefer to sip whisky. Hell, I'll even sip tequila. I don't drink vodka at all, and rum caused me to vomit on the bathroom floor in front of my mother (age 16,wedding,snuck lots and lots of em). Gin gets mixed with something clear and fizzy on a hot day.
  10. That was in 07. I was at the one in 09 that Derek Anderson went 2-17 with like 9 yards passing and beat us 6-3. It's the last game I've ever been to.
  11. And Barry Melrose seems to think he's going to gain 40 pounds.
  12. ROR added to team Canada after an injury to Tyler Seguin. Fiddleshit
  13. This thread makes me :)
  14. Friday 12/16,check. I'll go put in my PTO.
  15. I like the positional breakdown because it makes the slash players very valuable when drafting. I love taking C/LW, or the Brent Burns D/RW, that one was huge for me in a league last year. I hate o lyrics being able to slot a guy into one spot. Might just be me though. Nothing is a deal breaker as far as I'm concerned. I'm good with whatever you guys decide.
  16. Come on, old man! Shave 7 seconds off of that and come in under 16! You got this! Less than 2.5 seconds/mile. That's nothing.
  17. I can't really get to the point where this upsets me. Looking at it from me being a former athlete point of view, I would say that I didn't care. I care that my friends and family see me and support me, and that I represent my country well. Looking at it as my current, wicked corporate point of view: Yeah, he should have definitely made an appearance. He needs to show that he views these games as just as important as the Olympics. Even if none of the athletes know who he is/care if he's there.
  18. And there you have it folks, Sabrespace has spoken. Zemgus is done. 13 ballots cast. Last year everyone had him scoring 20. This year no one thinks he'll bounce back. How the mighty have fallen. Seriously though,what do we expect from him? I'd say 12.
  19. Ain't this a bitch? I haven't played in 2 years because the only league I can be in is a Tuesday night league full of dumbasses. But, I go to grave shift in 2 weeks! My Sunday nights will now be my hockey nights again! And Monday mornings on grave will suck, but it will be worth it.
  20. Don't Toews Me Bro, in. Gold only this year.
  21. The Bills record is flipped.
  22. In for gold. I've had 2 down years after my big win in the 13/14 season. A bit like the Florida Marlins. I won it all and then sold off the team and got cheap. I owe it to all my fans out there to return to dominance.
  23. I took my son to the last home game of the SWB RailRiders season today. We had awesome seats, 6 rows from the field, right above the home dugout. Clint Frazier, the Yankees #1 prospect went deep in the bottom of the 1st. RailRiders catcher Kyle Higashioka tossed my son a ball after a K to end the top of the 9th. The RailRiders then walked off on a double off the CF wall with the bases jacked in the bottom of 10. Then my kid got his ball signed. It was a pretty perfect day.
  24. I'll still be at work for another hour and a half.
  25. Eh, the Dome is loud. I'll give it that. But it seats exactly half of the Horseshoe, or the Big House, or wherever else. It's big time for NY football(which is non existent) but in the overall scope of televised college ball, it's pretty small. Now basketball is a different story. Every other teams building is small potatoes.
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