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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Right? I routinely drink at 6am while watching the sunrise.
  2. #fridaynightlights #cte #notsurprised
  3. Does no one else find it weird when Robert Plant goes off on his lord of the rings babble in the middle of a song?
  4. I'll try not to say f#ck so much. I still feel like I'm going to be a dead giveaway. I'll be the guy in the clothes that he bought more than a decade ago.
  5. I'll never leave your pizza burning. Go ahead, sing it. You know you want to.
  6. I had this article in my work email from my HR director. He's always sending out bull !t customer service emails, like the HR department has ever dealt with a customer in their lives. I get them every week and I always say the same thing "who gives a flying ? Why do you send me this every week?!" it's not like we're going to give out cupcakes, so why do I care, Hmmm? That's right, HR guy, I don't!" But now that I know you live there I care slightly more. ....just a little.
  7. I've never used the DMV for anything plate related. I've only ever been there for: age 16-got my permit, then license. age 21-went in for my renewal/over 21 license age 28-got a PA license. (took 3 hours)
  8. I'll just leave this here... http://m.tmz.com/#article/2016/10/03/ben-affleck-pats-lost-to-rex-ryan-f-video/
  9. Oh, we are going to get along!
  10. I know you hate the Yankees, but do you remember when Roger Clemens announced his return to the Yankees and how good old Sue reacted? Wow, talk about embarrassing! She is just awful.
  11. Got mine. Hey, Flagg. I'm the guy who screams "SHOOOOOOOOOOOT!!"
  12. Well, Whaley is 0-4 on first round picks.
  13. Glad to see the wife and daughter remain classy and humbled through a troubled time for their family.
  14. Bob Stoops and his Sooners couldn't finish blowing the game to TCU last year, so they're gonna try again this year.
  15. Um, put your cans in the garage? Back of the house? Put a cinder block on them?
  16. Shop him away? Like he was a racoon? Lol
  17. This is going to be brutal.
  18. Nice start for the Orange.
  19. I live right near the high-school football stadium. I feel that the person responsible for the marching band should be fired. I've lived here for 3 years, they've had the exact same setlist for all 3 years and they still suck! At this point it's noise pollution. Failed attempt at Crazy Train Failed attempt at The Final Countdown Failed attempt at Seminole War Chant 0% of any of the songs are in time. At this point I'm beginning to wonder what they're hearing.
  20. Humble request, can we do it on a Monday or Tuesday night for Gold?
  21. You never get used to the horrible initial scream that the mouse/rat/gerbil makes after the strike from a snake. It's a bit unnerving.
  22. Maybe...probably. But I actually gave a when the Bills had Eric Moulds. And now I haven't even watched football this year(the NFL. I'm watching college). If not for twitter showing me bits of the Thursday night game when I was bored at work, I wouldn't have seen a single snap this season. Now on Sundays, I don't even know what to do with my time. I will say that my Sundays are no longer rage filled.
  23. He's no Eric Moulds.
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