I will only watch slasher horror. I need a good old fashioned killer in my movies. I absolutely hate the supernatural ones. I like the ones where the girl falls while running through the woods, unarmed and alone.
Do you suppose that he's the one who painted #trump mafia just under the roof? Ya know, him being on disability and all. You'd figure that'd make it difficult for him to be on a roof/ladder.
Legit, probability based odds? Or sports analytic odds?
I know it has nothing to do with it, but the list of 8th overall picks is kinda depressing. http://www.mynhldraft.com/nhl-draft-picks/8th-overall/80509/
But I chose to believe that the kid will be alright. I like Swedish players.
Pennsylvania, and he wasn't trying to set any speed records for Fastest "Pothole Filled Highway" Commute.
I did laugh at myself, though,as I thought: "anytime this guy wants he can punch it and top out at like 90 MPH faster than me."