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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. He's sick. He didn't make the trip to Philly.
  2. That period wasn't very fun. It was really blah
  3. This game is a no brainer bet for the Sabres. Back to backs are always the easiest bet in hockey. I'm avoiding this one like the plague!
  4. Hey man, I did a 2 mile jog with the dogs yesterday morning and I had to ice my knees last night. Where the did that come from!? I wasn't even tired after the run. 4 hours later my shins are killing me, I can't rotate my ankles and my knees feel like they are ready to explode. Every trip down the stairs was an adventure. I feel perfectly fine today, but last night I felt entirely broken down!
  5. Yeah, but what do you know? You're only a doctor!
  6. Well that's plausible! If you ran that it would have been pretty amazing! Great, now I feel like a dick.
  7. Pff...i can beat that. On a bike. :p
  8. In my experience, I definitely believe they were all addicts. But to be fair, addicted to opiates does not equal smoking pot.
  9. Most places in my industry require a drug test at hiring. My current employer does not. Every single employee that has ever been caught stealing has claimed addiction as the reason. If you play it right, they let you keep your job after rehab. 0 of them have passed their return to work drug test. Worthless anecdote. Was going to delete it, but I'm bored.
  10. Schoney, and Ramsay retired the year I was born and Robert 3 years before that. I've never seen them play at all. I don't think it's right to vote for Miller by default. All the others that I have voted for have impacted my hockey watching life significantly. There were some good times with Miller, and I do own his jersey. But I'm not sure if they were top 10 good times. And to be honest I'm just waiting on Derek Roy at this point! :p
  11. I've only seen Miller out of that group. I will abstain from voting in this round.
  12. How's the game going, guys? Guys?
  13. I've been to Cleveland once. CC was pitching for the Indians in a big game against the Twins, who sent Johan Santana to the mound. Cleveland wins in a great game. We're walking out of the stadium, everyone is all pumped up, high fives all around. We're looking for the after party. And what does the city of Cleveland do? The whole city went to sleep! Are you kidding me? Nobody stayed out and partied! No one! The strip club had the B squad working, the bars all had 3 people in them. Cleveland did NOT rock on that night. But on the other side of it....Cubs fans. The way they treated Steve Bartman. Cub fans pretend like they're the quaint little Midwest "loveable loser" fans. Please. They suck every bit as much as Yankee and Red Sox fans. Bartman was 1 of like 8 people in that section who went for that ball. And then the other 7 douche bags pretended like everything was all his fault. those people. Cleveland? Eh, whatever. At least it's not Toronto.
  14. Not if you take into consideration the fact that the NHL strongly discourages the scoring of goals for about the last decade and a half.
  15. Watching Leafs @ Hawks on the Hawks feed. I haven't noticed Matthews at all. And Darling can't handle the puck behind the net at all.
  16. The wife is working overtime tonight, so the boy and I are bachelors for the evening. I had a turkey sandwich on Italian bread, with Swiss cheese and sour cream and onion chips on the sandwich. The boy had cinnamon toast crunch. I think I've eaten cereal about 6 times in my life.
  17. Yep. Easy money, if you're pragmatic.
  18. I love the high capacity magazine ban scares. Let's me sell my mags for about 10x their value after people overreact and try to hoard them.
  19. Could be the T word. That one is underutilized, in my opinion.
  20. Love the original version, but there's just something about this one...
  21. I've got to be up at 1am, so I'm going to miss this one. I'll inquire later about watching or deleting my DVR.
  22. Nice goal to be sure. I just like this one better
  23. Anyone watching Dodgers Cubs right now? They just did the dumbest lead in that I've ever seen for Julio Urias. Some weird rambling about Los Angeles millennials.
  24. I got an update from The Score app with no useful information. Just a headline. Edit:Bills' McCoy leaves practice with hamstring injury http://www.thescore.com/news/1131911 (via http://thesco.re/theScore_app ) Little more to it now...still not very helpful
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