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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Bang! Bruins should have scored on the 2 on one with a wide open Marchand, instead they ***** the bed and KO buried his chance!
  2. Christ, Syracuse needs a friggin point guard! If I have to watch Joe Girard panic away one more possession because he can't ball handle, then pick up his dribble early, then throw a trash pass... ...as I type this he hits a 3 to give Syracuse the lead back. Doesn't change a thing.
  3. Big Ten is ass
  4. Tax is 29%?
  5. Remember folks, there is never a line to use the squat rack. Leg day.
  6. Christ, it's not that hard to put it on net.
  7. Ok, they have a legendary library of music. I enjoy a ***** load of their songs. I'm deliberately being an ass hat. However...context. I was at a beer festival today featuring a Fleetwood Mac cover band, a Stones cover band and an AC/DC cover band. All things being equal, AC/DC are the headliners, here. It's not even close.
  8. Good goal for Tage. "Look what I found" for Dell.
  9. It's probably because they skate AND stickhandle like toddlers.
  10. Tuned in just in time to scream "ya ***** it!" at Dahlin.
  11. The Rolling Stones might be the most overrated band ever.
  12. I'd normally be at this game, but unfortunately I couldn't get the day off. I'm actually pretty bummed to be missing this one.
  13. I wasn't paying attention. Was it Cozens getting tossed like a child?
  14. I hope Ovi scores 12. I hope the Sabres score 13.
  15. You could have at least played the good version.
  16. How 'bout the bills try that once? Maybe throw a pass down the sideline?
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