Lots of carbon scoring. I bet those TIE fighters have seen a lot of action. Yeah! MODO! Rocking the Wilson Phillips! That's what we gotta do, boys! Hold on for one more day! Haha
Something is up. That's a sucker line for Florida.
Oh man, I have to bet this one too. Don't like it one bit!
Alright, let's not overthink this.
$250 on Florida
See, I took expansion into consideration. But I didn't take into consideration the possibility of picking 30th after expansion. That would just be awful.
You have a much better chance of having a team stripped of their first round pick, thereby making the first pick of the 2nd round 30th. That's going to be the only way the Sabres ever pick 30th.
I slept over a friend's house once when we were teenagers. His cat brought a freshly killed mouse into his bedroom and up onto his bed to show him. He was very proud of it. My friend was not pleased. Cats are killers.