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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. He doesn't have to be. He's got a whole team that hasn't made the playoffs in 3 Popes to help him.
  2. I'm not going to speak for America, so I'll just speak for me. I don't know any folks from Pakistan. And I'm not sure I know any racists sophisticated enough to be able to tell if someone is Pakistani, Indian, Arab or anyone else from that billion sq. miles of real estate. Therefore, I'm not sure I've ever heard the term itself, let alone used as a slur. I will however, take your word for it. I blame the map https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us&q=pakistani+communities+in+usa&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit1PzzxZfQAhXh64MKHWoZDEkQvwUIFigA&biw=360&bih=518
  3. But when will the choke come? Will it be a regular season choke job or a postseason choke job? That is a very important distinction to bills fans, I would think. For the record, I'll say regular season choke job, if this hypothetical situation were to occur.
  4. My autographed picture is of him breaking Thornton's face.
  5. Exactly
  6. People here hated John Scott? I have an autographed John Scott 8x10 on the Sabres wall in my man cave. He's right next to Gil, Eichel and Mogilny. #legendary
  7. They like bon jovi? like I needed another reason to hate them.
  8. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+much+is+spent+on+tobacco+advertising+in+the+us&oq=how+much+is+spent+on+tobacco+advertising+in+the+u&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j33.19858j0j4&client=ms-android-att-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  9. Cool movie. Very cool. 2 after credits scenes, as per usual these days in marvel movies.
  10. OK, that was funny
  11. I loved it. He antagonized the kid and the got popped in the mouth. It was friggin sweet. That said, I'm glad there's less of it. I'd probably have a heart attack if one of our skill players got in a scrap. With Des out of the line up we have zero players who can fight. Maybe Foligno, but whatever. For me, it's fine to see, every now and again.
  12. Doctor Strange starts in 10 minutes. I'm going into this one thoroughly confused/very open minded. Very not well known character, freaking obscure actually. I remember him being mentioned in an animated series or 2 back in the 90s, but I really have no clue what I'm getting into. PS - movies are expensive on Saturday night.
  13. Anti war protesters advocating murder....irony?
  14. Kessler with the face wash/jab, and then little max KO's him. That's nice to see.
  15. Man, I get 8 every single day. Some days, I get 10. How good do you feel right now?
  16. Up to 600
  17. @495 1 unit leafs
  18. Show Jimmy's picture to 200 people in Manhattan. If 6 of them knew who he was I'd in my hat. Actually, I bet you could do that with the whole Rangers roster. Definitely the islanders roster.
  19. I've lived in Pennsylvania for the last 6 years. I've never seen anyone wearing a Cubs hat. I bet I'll count 10 by Friday.
  20. iT to the 90s thread, paging iT to the 90s thread. Atta boy on your song reference, sir.
  21. https://www.yahoo.com/news/video-shows-trump-with-mob-figure-he-denied-knowing-090025964.html Video shows Trump with mob figure he denied knowing Casino owner, photographed with mob figure?!?! Surely not!!!
  22. Gold, and I have no idea.
  23. Cost me 4 points last night.
  24. I reaaaally hate that roster moves don't go into effect until the next day. Hate it a lot!
  25. Fluke, but I'll take it!
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