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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. 140 on the armpit of America (that's New Jersey, in case you were wondering)
  2. Well, if the activity in this thread is to be an indication of the interest level in this game...looks like Sabres fans are riveted! Christ, what a boring ass team.....again!
  3. Atta boy, NFL. http://deadspin.com/nfl-to-teams-stop-commenting-on-concussions-1788899418?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
  4. I was 1 click away from picking up the Center Ice package for the first time since the last season pre-tank. I'm glad that I didn't. These game are even boring to read on here. I might do the discounted rate later in the season when we get Jack back, but at this point, if we're not playing for the playoffs, I'm not sure I see a point.
  5. Not holy, nor Roman, nor an empire
  6. Come on, where the f# is everyone? I can't bet a game with no action on it!
  7. You can't have skates specifically made for your huge clown feet?
  8. Oh please. Anyone who has ever accidentally turned on the winter Olympics knows what that is. Now, if he spelled it correctly without looking it up, then ya might have something.
  9. My league is Sunday nights. I don't have Sundays off anymore, so I can't play until I go back to grave shift. But I can't wait. Hopefully I can play in our session starting in January. We'll see if I'm still the best skater who can't handle a puck to save his life, or if someone else has taken my title.
  10. You guys have inspired me. I haven't been able to play in about 2 years. I just went down to the basement to check my gear. My bag is actually covered in a thin layer of mold. Yummy! I'm actually afraid to open it and see my gear. I know I fabreezed it and dried it all out before I put it away, but yeesh. This is pretty gross.
  11. Beat me by that much.
  12. Yeah, buddy! I moved to Pennsylvania in 2010 in search of a vast career improvement. My girlfriend of 4 years would not come with me. I complain about my job sometimes, but I really do have it quite good for a person of my education level and intelligence. After a year of working my ass off, 60 hours a week, 6 days a week, I finally convinced her to join me. It hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows, but it's been us together at least. I know our situations aren't the same, but that doesn't mean the results can't be. I've got a job that I like, after much searching, my old lady has a job that she likes. And we both still like each other. And after 10 years, that's pretty good. One way or another I find that life has its own way of kind of figuring it out. I wish the best for you two.
  13. Uh, that's a felony and a very nice lawsuit. My complaint: Co-worker that held the same position as me quit. He gave a 2 weeks notice. Rather than post the job opening and fill his position right away, the powers that be had decided to wait until he was already gone. That means I had to switch shifts to cover his spot. So I want from working 3am-11am(this is the greatest shift in the world, for me, personally). Back to working 7pm to 3am. I'm super not happy about it. Once the position is filled(they posted for it 4 days ago) then I will have seniority, and I will get to go back to my other shift, but until then I'm stuck. They haven't scheduled interviews yet, and it appears that more people are applying than I want to apply. The more applicants, the longer it takes for the bosses to decide who gets the promotion. 6 of us applied for this position 5 months ago. The other 5 that didn't get it are all applying again. They damn well already know who they want, otherwise they would have gone outside the company to find someone. Hurry up and be done with it, so I can have my life back!
  14. Up to 800
  15. 2 on the sens. That's $260
  16. Waited in line for 8 minutes. Was not asked for ID. Electronic ballot, easy peasy. And I was the 322 voter for my precinct. Looks like it will be a good turnout.
  17. I deal with odds on wagers and statistical probability all day long and I stopped taking math entirely after 11th grade. Not sure I ever scored higher than an 80 on a math regents exam.
  18. I believe Ducky is First Nation and therefore, has different rules for limits.
  19. I'm totally not gonna answer this. I've bought new cars because I've needed 1: tires. 2: breaks and calipers. 3: OK, I cartwheeled one and it was like, super totaled.
  20. Brutal and epic. I'm afraid of flying in planes. However, jumping out of them is right up my alley.
  21. Haha ....he might be a massive douche bag.
  22. http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/images/g/ZIoAAOSwAuNW8Abl/s-l225.jpg This one
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