Really? New Balance is the official footwear of white people? Um, no , Sherlock! Who didn't know that already?
On guns. My father and one of my older brothers are hunters, and my other brother is a cop. I'm very familiar with them. I've only ever hunted with a compound bow(because it's way freaking cooler)
I own a gun for protection of myself and my family. And because I enjoy target shooting with my wife. And no, I do not live in fear of someone breaking into my house, or mugging me on the street. I've always been pretty good with my mits. I do worry about bears and mountain lions when we are hiking in the woods, though.
My gun is always kept in my biometric safe. It's literally impossible for my son to open it, and yet I worry. He's just starting puberty and you'd think I was raising a teenage girl. Holy hell, what a little ball of emotional instability, he is. It honestly makes me want to sell it and not have a gun around for a few years.