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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. The very end is the exact reaction that occurs in my house every single time there is a knock on the door after the sun goes down. I mean, exactly the same! Same thing when the phone rings now. I remember as a kid I would sprint to the phone from anywhere in the house and get it in less than 2 rings! Never know, could be for me. Then when it wasn't, I would scream the name of the person who it was for. And I mean scream. I'd scream like we lived in a wear house that stretched out over a mile. Now, the phone rings and I just get pissed. Who the is this, and why aren't they texting me?
  2. Listen, JJ, just remember to use sunscreen, wear a hat, gold bond for your balls, and drink plenty of water. Seriously, that 12 months of summer, crap can right off!
  3. Left the 45 degree muck and mud of Pennsylvania yesterday for the 22 degree, covered in snow, beautiful, white CNY. Every house is decorated for Christmas and there isn't an inch of lawn that isn't covered in snow. I've been playing in it with the dogs all day long. Man, this is awesome.
  4. I usually go when they play the baby penguins. But that's approximately 1.5 miles from my house, so I don't actually travel for it. I've got friends from work who usually go see the baby pens play in Hershey and Lehigh Valley, I've just never made the trip. I'm in CNY for the weekend, otherwise I'd definitely consider heading down. I'll keep it in mind for the future.
  5. This one won't be for everyone
  6. I do love Doug Stanhope. I'm not sure If it's his comedy or how much of a train wreck of a human being he is. He's pretty great. Oh and Bill Hicks! That guy was awesome!
  7. Man, that all sounds awful. I'm so glad that I'm a dumb shiit and all I did was drink and chase tail in college. I did real work for half a semester and then changed majors so that I could spend my book money on booze. Fully aware of how ignorant I sound. I hope all goes well for you forever!
  8. I have always been big into Stand Up comedy. Basically, if there's a special on, I'm going to watch it. If I like it, I'll find more stuff from that person. I'm very much into angry comics who rant about ridiculous things. But I was also way into the def jam scene of black comics. Eddie Izzard is a tremendously odd bird! He's very hit and miss, but when he hits, it's awesome. British comedy is truly a gem. And The Dice man will always hold a special place in my book,as the raunchiest mother who ever lived.
  9. She talks about sex so much, I'm just going to assume that she sucks at it. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much...
  10. That show was funny. Back to the complaints! Bo Burnham. Man, that kid can't handle heckling or hecklers for ! He loses his mind and just turns into a complete bitch. His songs are usually very witty and funny, but man, if the crowd turns on him, he's done. This is probably due to the fact that he got his start on YouTube and never had to experience the club scene early on in his career.
  11. He has good moments, but he loooovvvves to drone on and on and on about pot. And PA, I like Louie, especially on talk shows. He's excellent on all late night shows.
  12. I do not like Joe Rogan!! And could his podcast get any longer? Maybe it's that I'm not into pot.. He's not for me. I mean, not as much as Amy Schumer, but holy ! Oh man, he gets on my nerves. Bill Burr has definitely ascended into my top 3 all time favorites. I also like Doug Stanhope, quite a bit.
  13. I'm into trashy comedy, though! I freaking loved Dice, and that's his whole act. That and absolutely destroying the crowd. Her delivery is what's pissing me off the most, I think. That and the material is very lame observational comedy that isn't thought provoking in anyway. Edit: 35 minutes in, 1 laugh. There was a good one in there.
  14. Amy Schumer: not funny Been watching her stand up on comedy central for the last 25 minutes. I haven't laughed once.
  15. Supreme total one is still my favorite skate. Mine are 6 years old at this point. I'm really going to hate replacing them when the time comes.
  16. Try again
  17. I'm off for the next 7 days! Thank Christ!
  18. I once busted my ass, coming over the boards for my very first shift of the game. After that I knew I was glad I brought beer to the bench.
  19. I've got credits from SU, UB, MVCC, and I finally graduated from Morrisville. My parents kinda got ahold of my transcripts and forced me to graduate. I was really good at college. (or really bad at it!)
  20. Yup, and I feel that there were many, many more loose women there than at Brockport. Oh and I occasionally studied. And I also occasionally transfered schools.
  21. Well, back in 03,they had the best food in the SUNY system and were also rumored to have the highest STD rate among students. So I thought, good food, loose women, definitely go there! The administration had other plans.
  22. I didn't get accepted to Brockport.
  23. Not to mention my clients. Degenerates need to be able to place bets! It doesn't matter that it's 4am on Xmas eve and the children are waking up wondering where their parents are. Momma needs a new pair of shoes! Oh, hockey! I get to start playing again in February! Yes! Been playing around with my stick handling in the garage. I still suck at it. And now my forearms are sore because I haven't used those muscles in forever.
  24. Can't help it, dude. I love snow.
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