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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Do it. The tournament is awesome, especially round 1 and the final 4.
  2. ROR is the worst shootout shooter outer ever. Seriously, he should never ever participate. If there is ever a game where the opposition shoots wide 11 times in a row(because you know that Robin is never going to stop one), our 12th shooter should be Gorges, or Fedun, or even Lehner. Seriously, no shootout for ROR.
  3. How many shootout goals have the Sabres scored this season? I completely understand that Lehner is just plain awful. I mean he is freaking terrible. Just plain revolting. He stinks on ice! But man, our shooters blow too.
  4. That was fun. Thought it was much better than The Force Awakens. Good times.
  5. Headed to the 10pm showing in a little bit. And I get to go all by myself! Yes! I'm bringing a beer or 2, some slim Jim's, and I'll have to check the snack cupboard for something sweet. I love going to the movies by myself! Zero people will be asking me stupid questions during the movie.
  6. And that's on Rex and Whaley. Rex for not teaching the qb's not to suck. And Whaley for not drafting/signing any qbs who don't suck.
  7. The Calder Cup ain't shiit!
  8. Haha, you'd probably die inside my house. The thermostat better not kick on until it's 20 degrees outside. Hoodies and sweatpants, all winter long.
  9. 15 post during/after today's game. ...something about the NFL ratings...
  10. I took the line from another site,so if Hank wants to change it, he'd better hurry up. 400 on Buffalo. They win or I'm done.
  11. Buffalo +130 Carolina -140
  12. Wanna know what the best thing about snow is? Making your kid shovel it!!! OHHHHH YEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!
  13. Cocaine helps. [emoji of some kind]
  14. New I knew it from somewhere. That must be it!
  15. 3. I knew 4,6 and 10.
  16. I expect many Bothans will die. I think I'm going to see it Tuesday.
  17. Is Zemgus a real NHL forward this year?
  18. Drove 190 miles back to my house on Sunday. As soon as I hit Syracuse, 81-S was covered in snow. Everyone was doing less than 50. That was freaking annoying. Understandable, but annoying. I was plugging along between 55 and 65. My car is plenty heavy and with AWD, she handles the snow like a champ. Passing 18 wheelers is the big challenge. When they hit the slop in between the lanes and it sends 200 pounds of slush into your windshield, that's what separates the winter drivers from the rest. Driving city streets that have 6+ inches of snow on them is the freaking best though! Not many things that are much more fun than that...in a car...not involving a woman...
  19. #19. he's been quiet
  20. These refs deserve to be suspended. And they should keep blowing that horn until the refs give them a penalty. Just to let them know that they need to get off their knees and quit blowing the game!
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