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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. He's going to take 3 strides, glide in, bring his stick back 1 foot and spank it right over Lehner's shoulder. No head fake, no deke, no juke, nothing but a straight shot and the back of the cage.
  2. See! Whaley sucks.
  3. Didn't he lose the defense last year when he made them suck? Shwartz: 0%
  4. So, like, June.
  5. I'm surprised that the US's goalie was even facing the right direction. Not lime he's been doing anything. Goal! Take that commies!
  6. Wow, we just gave up a goal to Latvia. Way to suck! Kidding! I'm fully aware that that was the first time Latvia crossed the red line all period.
  7. Happy Boxing Day! ? No idea what it is. Just know it's British /Canadian. And apparently there are sales like black Friday and lots of soccer.
  8. And now George Michael has died.
  9. Knicks almost pulled off the comeback today. That was a pretty good 2nd half.
  10. The presents are opened, breakfast was delicious. Now I'll watch A Christmas Story for the 3rd time this morning, probably pass out on the couch and I'll get dinner in the oven in a few hours. Lasagna: ready to go in the oven Ham: ditto Casserole: ditto All I've got to make is the potatoes, gravy, stuffing and veggies. Eating deviled eggs and tiramisu at 5:30am. Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year. Merry Christmas to everyone! Hope everyone has a great day!
  11. Every coach the bills have ever had would have punted there.
  12. I only saw it for a hot second, but it didn't look like he was calling it in the direction of any of the refs.
  13. That was alllll Rex lol. What a dipshiit
  14. Hahaha
  15. 51 days until pitchers and catchers report for spring training...
  16. Well, they both wrote books. So yeah. Carrie Fisher did a lot of blow in the 80s. So did Rick James. That is a fact. When you do blow it damages your body. Therefore...heart attack for her, dead guy for him.
  17. About as much as Rick James.
  18. That'll happen when you've done that much cocaine.
  19. Yeah, and your avatar doesn't count!
  20. No eleven means no Santa Claus this year. No Christmas poem, and most importantly, it leaves me flying solo as the only Josie created avatar. This is horseshiit
  21. My dad told me after he was diagnosed with cancer. He pulled me aside as we were walking with my mom and my wife and he told me. He had a really positive outlook, the doctor said that they caught it early and everyone was very optimistic. I was supportive and I held it together all day. When my parent left my place to return home, I was sitting with my wife and she asked me about it, and I absolutely lost it. I'm betting my reaction would have been exactly the same had he told me ahead of time that his doc wanted him to come in and do a bunch of tests to screen him for cancer.
  22. I really am just a miserable, f'n person. There's no reason for it at all. I'm awful.
  23. My boss bought me a bottle of Dewars 12 and a badass cigar for Christmas. My bosses boss got me a badass bottle of wine and some gourmet nuts. Now I have to go to the store...
  24. 's. Haha My reply to that exact same question when my wife asked it 2 weeks ago. "What part of $13 for half a sandwich and a cup of soup sounds good to you?"
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