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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. That Greenway kid has got game.
  2. The Sabres have too many Latvian on the roster to be any good.
  3. They have better jerseys too. Man, those are beautiful.
  5. Hmmm, you Catholic by any chance?
  6. Apparently, it's easy.
  7. Yep. It's looking like I was wrong on that one. Big time!
  8. She took a straight right to the jaw about 2 seconds into the fight. Her knees stiffened up and she froze. Then it happened again about 5 seconds later. I felt bad for her. She beat herself after that first shot. She was so scared after that and Nunes saw it and absolutely smothered her with bombs.
  9. Well, I've had a drink in my hand since 11am. So yeah, it's new years eve.
  10. Sabres vs Bruins in Beantown on the last day of the year. Discuss!
  11. yo couch!
  12. Your girl signs his checks. No one escapes my wrath. Actually, I shouldn't even have wrath. I don't really. I quit football before this season started and I'm all the happier for it. I'll show myself out.
  13. The point, is that from top to bottom the bills organization are a bunch of tw@ts. All of ownership and the front office. They have the team that they deserve.
  14. Boy, you hit the nail on the head with that one!
  15. It might be. Winter Soldier was on FX the other night. It's definitely pretty darn good. But Civil War is pretty darn good too.
  16. Re: meta. Yeah, still no idea. Re: girl. That sounds over. Like, really over. Sorry dude. Go meet the friend, sounds like you're going to enjoy the whole "being set up", thing. Good luck.
  17. I've seen this phrase on here 3 times in the past week. I have no clue what it means
  18. At least it's an appropriate place for you to complain about them.
  19. Come on, get it lowered, throw some switches in there, black out the windows and you can be rollin in yo six for...err...one fo... ...never mind, I'm dumb
  20. Ouch! Shots fired! ...I'd have gone with the coast guard. I'm kidding, I swear!
  21. Correct. Poker stories are the Matt Ellis of stories.
  22. My wife has 2 snakes and she won't touch rats, so I'm the person who has to feed the f'ers.
  23. Debbie Reynolds has been rushed to the hospital with what might have been a stroke. Edit: That's Carrie Fisher's mom, kids.
  24. Went to the theater again tonight to see Rogue One, this time with my kid. 8:10 showing, 2nd week after release, arrived about 15 minutes early: sold out! Ouch, the kid took it really well. I felt bad. Oh well, he'll live. Maybe next week.
  25. Peter. Damn. I wanted it to be something like Stellan or Henrik or even Mikael.
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