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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. They went through once yesterday morning. None since then.
  2. Took this picture last night at 1am. The roads are the same, if not worse right now. Ya know, 13 hours later! https://twitter.com/ubkev/status/841871298527670272
  3. In his prime Ennis was what we in my neighborhood call "wicked average" He'd have it up.
  4. ...fetal assessment, aaaaand it waaas liiike a 30 minute ultrasound aaaaaaaand.... God, stab me in the eardrum with a pencil!
  5. Vocal fry makes me want to punch a baby while drowning a kitten.
  6. Please be joking. I have to sit with you for 2.5 hours. Please be joking, please be joking!
  7. I'm absolutely certain that I shoot harder than him.
  8. The color of my balls is none of your concern. Oh, golf! Oh, yeah, it might be more than a couple days.
  9. I'm looking at 29 inches in my yard. The shoveling wasn't fun, but it's very beautiful outside. Looks like I won't be golfing again for a couple of days.
  10. There's only 24 to 30 inches so far here in North Eastern Pennsylvania. I don't see what all the fuss is about. This was 11am. https://twitter.com/ubkev/status/841671682507046912
  11. All I want to know is where am I parking. I haven't lived in Buffalo since my sophomore year (2004). Come to think of it, I haven't been to the city since 05 or 06.
  12. I'm planning on seeing a win. I'm also planning on some fun pregame activities and conversations, Eichel scoring a goal and me driving for a really long time.
  13. Full disclosure: I've never seen a Buffalo team win in person. The bills are 0-12 when I'm in attendance. I've never seen the Sabres play live. And UB always lost when I went, even the turner battle team.
  14. Dude, notre dame!
  15. I bet it's tae bo
  16. 93% of my workplace is freaking out. -fill your bathtub -buy a generator -buy French toast supplies Oh ffs! Last I checked, winter has happened in the north east for that past couple million years. It's not a surprise, people! I swear to Christ, people panic just to panic. Is it a sympathy thing? Am I inconsiderate? (well, don't answer that, of course I am) Crying about the weather...ya know what, if you go on vacation to a beautiful paradise and it rains, or monsoons, or there's a tornado on your wedding day, then you get a free pass to complain about the weather. If you live in a place where it snows 5 months out of the year, and then you complain about the snow, oh, get ! ...and I'm an ignorant (there! beat ya to it.)
  17. Don't worry, they didn't. They casted Gal Gadot. Game over. I can watch her hair blow in slow motion while she's walking for at least 2 hours before I get bored.
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