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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Well, besides hockey, baseball is THE only other sport soooooo this is kinda it.
  2. No. No it does not.
  3. If it weren't for the Yankees, none of my teams would ever win a championship.
  4. This is unlikely to happen.
  5. Long season, brother. I think we're only going to win 85 games anyway.
  6. Oh my dear God...
  7. He had it back for a minute in the second, then promptly lost it again. He's afraid to throw strikes right now.
  8. Damn straight!
  9. Stigmata
  10. Escape from NY is on Netflix!
  11. Scary stuff https://twitter.com/Deadspin/status/848320855155322880
  12. Saw the thread. Saw only 12 responses. Said "Eleven is with us." clicked through 2 more threads. Clicked thread to find out the gag. ...am still sad.
  13. I learned how to skate when I was 6ish. Didn't pick up a stick til I was about 10. By then I was playing baseball already and 100% right handed. It never even occurred to me to hold the stick or bat or golf club any other way. Funny quirk, and I don't know if this is true or not. When I was learning to water ski my dad stood behind me on the dock and gave me a little push from behind. Whatever foot you step forward on is evidently your dominant side and that's the ski that you ski on when you go down to one ski slalom. Anyway how long did it take you to figure out what icing was. I don't think I grasped it til I was about 13. Denis Lemieux didn't help at all! I learned how to skate when I was 6ish. Didn't pick up a stick til I was about 10. By then I was playing baseball already and 100% right handed. It never even occurred to me to hold the stick or bat or golf club any other way. Funny quirk, and I don't know if this is true or not. When I was learning to water ski my dad stood behind me on the dock and gave me a little push from behind. Whatever foot you step forward on is evidently your dominant side and that's the ski that you ski on when you go down to one ski slalom. Anyway how long did it take you to figure out what icing was. I don't think I grasped it til I was about 13. Denis Lemieux didn't help at all!
  14. Don't get in my way! Listen to what I say!
  15. Ah yes, young Conor hurley. Youngest player in the draft if I recall correctly. Never was any better than he was on draft day. His stock went down more and more with each passing day. Never a single glimmer of hope from his college play.
  16. 4 hour drive home in 20 foot visibility fog! Give me rain, sleet, snow, hurricane, tornado, but oh my God, fog can go itself! And so can my GPS for that matter! It decided not to bring me to 81 on my way home but to rt 220 and some serious country bump kin, hick roads. Like, no Internet, no cell service hick roads. Oh, and did I mention the fog? Almost hit 6, that's right, 6 deer! And where I made it to Buffalo in 3 hours 56 minutes (GPS said it would take 4:30) it took me the full 4 hours and 41 minutes to get home. Seriously, that's as bad as I've got it. Awesome trip to Buffalo, made it home safe.
  17. Had to explain that one to my wife and kid while at the ballpark, immediately following a balk. They looked at me like I was speaking braille. Why can't they wear white at home?
  18. Haha, that's crazy! Also awesome.
  19. I'd buy one of each right now. ...And then both players would be traded.
  20. Hey, TrueBlueGED! I picked up The Show 17 today. It's awesome!! :p
  21. Hahaha! I love it, PA! I absolutely love it!
  22. Sabills posted it last page. Post 70.
  23. Come on, dude. 2 rows back. Guy and a girl are rising to their feet as Jack skates over. Meanwhile in section 118, Boyes and I have been screaming for the last 7 seconds. My voice is breaking from screaming my lungs out, our hands sting from a solid high five or two, and these two dingleberries are just now standing up? Seriously? They suck.
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