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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. This team needs an enema!
  2. Boyes and girls, if we'd have picked this game to go to for the meetup, I'd be near suicidal by now.
  3. This team is a joke. And it's hilarious!
  4. Hahahahahahahahaha
  5. I'm not in love with him.
  6. Make that 2.... me
  7. What the I'm 5 minutes late and were down 1
  8. Bluff? I'm calling bluff. I've done no research, as usual. But I'll call bullsh!t. They'll play.
  9. Yeah Sabres79 was all over it. My buddy is a huge Mets fan and loves how ridiculous Hernandez is. So I had a hunch.
  10. I thought sliced bread was the greatest invention known to man?
  11. Oh that just had to be Keith Hernandez!
  12. You just proved my point inside my own head. I have no idea what happened in that postseason. I just know we lost in 6 to Dallas.
  13. Sleep is a skill of mine. I'm really, really good at it. I can make any weird hours work for me. Naps when the wife is working and the kid is in school and I don't have to miss any family time. But this work during the day stuff is just garbage. My golf clubs are yelling at me from the trunk of my car. Oh well, it's only 3 days. I'll survive.
  14. I bet you're right. But we did win the gold medal afterwards. If we didn't I think it would have been an absolute disaster of a letdown.
  15. I worked those hours for 11 years and loved it, great party shift. Then I switched to 2-10am. Best shift ever! I can do anything, day or night. Concert, sporting event, wedding(ugh, weddings suck), cookout, play golf....anything!
  16. Working during the day sucks. I mean it's truly awful. I can't handle being stuck here past 10am. I'm literally wasting my day away. I haven't worked during the day since I gave tennis lessons when I was 18. And that was play that I got paid for. How does most of the planet do this?
  17. All I was saying was if the US had lost to the fins after beating the soviets then the 80 Olympics wouldn't be memorable at all. Great, you beat the unbeatable team...and then you lost. No one remembers second place.
  18. Golf tournaments start on Thursday, dude. All of em. I think the par 3 is Wednesday though. I'll place the over/under at 3.5 hole in ones on that day.
  19. I'm aware
  20. Certainly not the winning ways of our franchise.
  21. 4 pitchers, 1.2 innings, 7 hits and 3 earned and the loss. Nice work!
  22. This just in: the Giants bullpen still sucks!
  23. Sounds juicy. Good. They should be pissed at each other for sucking.
  24. They just did the equivalent of the US losing the game to finland after beating the soviets.
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