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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. I like everyone on this board much more than I like the Sabres. I'm not really sure what that says about me, or you guys, or the Sabres. But I'm sure it means something.
  2. Yeah, yeah. It's in a different state!
  3. I'm not a fan of it, myself. (also, no offense) I'm not a big fan of scales either. I care more about how I feel and how I look than what bmi or a scale says.
  4. You tell em, Flagg
  5. As if I needed more reasons to hate notre dame. They're the school with their logo on the ice at the frozen four. They aren't even playing anymore.
  6. Sabres don't score another goal this season. Calling it.
  7. Stop using big words! Some of us are stupid.
  8. Guys, UMD v Denver on ESPN. Come on, it's a game that actually matters. With players who are actually trying.
  9. Neither of them do anything for me.
  10. I support a garden thread. Planted gladiolus and lilys today. Along with some other bright flowery thing. I'm beginning to think that one of these years I'm going to do a vegetable garden. Nothing crazy, just long hots, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes and bell peppers. Maybe beans too.
  11. I think he's right. I've never even thought about it. I think people just assume that they have safety measures in place and that that is enough.
  12. I don't think you did. Sounds about right to me.
  13. Sam will get you more.
  14. Abbott couldn't hit for sh!t!
  15. Bench beers. Goalie with a beer on top of the net. Done!
  16. Come to think of it, there isn't a single sport that I've not played drunk. Maybe basketball? But that doesn't count because I don't play basketball. Baseball/Softball Football Hockey Skiing Volleyball Wake boarding I may have had a severe drinking problem at some point.
  17. Shoot, I've played hockey whilst absolutely hammered. It's not even that hard.
  18. RIP Billy Sherbert
  19. I remember making a big deal about that article just before the start of the season. Remember, the one that said we'd suck this year? Yeah, well, the article was right and I was wrong. We suck. BUT everything else I was right about.
  20. That sound you hear, it's a bus backing up, just waiting for someone to be thrown under it. I'll tolerate it for a little while, but I'm not holding anyone else's water. Nope, nope, nope.
  21. Hey, quick question. Am I the only person who grew after high school? I mean grew vertically, not horizontally :p. If I were to get back to my high school weight, I'd be admitted to the hospital for malnutrition, lol. I graduated at 5'4"ish (125 lbs ish) and grew to my present 5'9" over the next 3 years.
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