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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Looking forward to it. Even though force Awakens sucked! I'll always go. I just love the universe.
  2. I reconnected (I hate that word, it's stupid, but I am also stupid and I can't come up with a better one) with a friend that I haven't talked to in about a year and a half today. I sent her a random text message, reminiscing about a day from 11 years ago(exactly 11 years ago). She remembered it like yesterday. 3 minutes later and we have concert plans for when I'm home in August! That's friendship. Being able to have a conversation after more than a year without seeing each other and it goes off like no time has elapsed. Christ, I miss home.
  3. Yup, his mother can't be much better. She picked me...
  4. Well...He'll grow. I don't know how adult he'll be. I'm 1/2 of the people raising him, after all.
  5. My kid got one for basketball this year (holy , did they suck!!) Coach was all, hey bud, I got your trophy. My kid was all "for what?" I'm pretty sure he got rid of it. It definitely isn't on display anyplace. His exact words to me on the way home were "what did we get a trophy for? we didn't win anything." Kids know.
  6. Am I the only person under 35 who never got a "participation trophy"? Just win and you don't have to worry about it. :p
  7. Yeah, you said that about Hillary...
  8. Well, no actually its a worthless quirk. Just funny how the mind works. I know my wife's and my dad's number. I don't even know my house phone.
  9. Yes I've done the phone number thing. And I still know all my friends parents house phone numbers. I can do them blind just based off the pattern on the number pad.
  10. OK, now sell him on the Sabres. The poster with the best pitch wins a free onebuffalo Keychain.
  11. Sure, and the fact that he didn't earn it. You want your bonus? Do what is required. No? Well, no bonus then.
  12. To be fair, if he can't lead us to the playoffs, does it even matter? Not saying I don't think he can. But if your scenario played out. Vegas makes it and we don't and Jacks years of team control are all used up. Does it even matter?
  13. K, bracket is in. Took about 60 seconds worth of thought. Lets see how I do.
  14. 1. What makes you think he'll ever watch it again. 2. Everyone is embarrassed over sh!t they said 10 years ago.
  15. Goddamn right they are! Americans are just better than Canadians at hockey, that's all. As the last 2 major international tournaments have clearly proven.
  16. Have you seen our team?
  17. While we're at it, locker room or dressing room? Ain't no lockers in there.
  18. That's how you grow good grass too. After your grass is already grown in, that is. If you planted new grass seed you need to over water it if you ever plan on seeing it. Oh, and watering at night encourages mold growth on your lawn.
  19. Odds: Vegas opening at 5:2 Buffalo opening at 1.5:1
  20. Done
  21. I second this!
  22. Oh, this is gonna get good! And by good, I mean really, really ugly.
  23. And done! Hey, if that does it for ya...
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